A lesson in reaching for the moon


New member
I posted last year, nervous about asking for a pay review during an internal promotion. The PFNZ community gave me some great advice. I'm an extremely humble but hard-worker, and I find confrontation really scary. But I knew I would never forgive myself if I didn't at least try.

I used the "What's the Salary?" website (totally awesome!) to find the pay range of similar roles, and also asked my colleague what they were being paid in the position before they left. Then I settled on a range that was slightly above what I would be happy with.

Boss sent me the drafted contract, and the salary was $2k higher than the upper limit I set for myself. Holy shit. I was so excited. But then after a few days of reviewing it I thought, if this is their first offer, it's probably not their upper limit. So I responded that I was expecting in the range of "X" ($5-$10k higher than their offer), due to X, Y & Z.

I had a meeting with my boss to discuss this, and he said they were happy to start off the role at my suggested figure. Boss actually congratulated me for asking for more. So now I'm heading into a new role, with a $25k pay increase 😁

TL;DR As a quiet, non-confrontational person, I built up the courage to push for a bigger pay increase than I even thought was possible and it paid off (quite literally).
@carlitg It's awesome what happened to you, and great that you are sharing it!

It's easy to forget that it's a negotiation, that you shouldn't just accept what you are offered and that there is usually room for improvement on those offers. You should always ask, worst case scenario probably is that they can just say no and you stay the same.


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