A lesson in reaching for the moon

@carlitg It just goes to show people under value themselves due to humble nature, and it actually affects their life long-term. Good on you OP for having the courage to better your finances.
@carlitg So wonderful to hear! I'm similar in temperament so I understand how hard it is to ask for what you think you deserve. Once I started doing more work on my self esteem, I found it was a lot easier to ask for more- turns out the biggest barrier was myself.

Hope this is the first of many pay raises!
@neptune4 I agree, sometimes it helps you identify your value to the company is not as high as you expected in their eyes, or they just don’t have a great culture of internal promotion so you need to look around the market for other options.
@carlitg I have my first 6 monthly review coming up and my pay will also be reviewed. My boss has said it is likely to increase (2-5k had been mentioned) and I'm usually always happy to just accept what is given to me as it's more than what I'm getting now. I used the website you mentioned and it says I'm in range for my job so is it rude of me to ask for more than 5k?
@carlitg I have similar issues with advocating for myself and I’m so freakin impressed that you a) spoke up for yourself b) identified the opportunity to go even higher and went for it and c) got the damn pay rise and your boss’s renewed respect!! Congratulations, hope this experience is just one of many good things coming your way 👍

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