A fun read on the recent pump-and-dumps that SEBI caught (the one involving Arshad Warsi)

@ericcgregg I get where you're coming from but honestly I think it's fine. The US does have mature markets and the SEC (SEBI's equivalent) is always on its feet when it comes to stock market scams. It goes to extreme lengths and fines banks even when there is no evidence of wrongdoing, even if it's just falty processes.
@lilly159 I know what SEC is, and I think they are sloppy.. SEBI is not even trying to regulate the markets.. lot of retail market will get hurt, with such Cavalier attitude towards regulation..
@ericcgregg The last major stock market scam in India happened in early 1990s (Harshad Mehta, et al). I'd like to believe that SEBI is doing at least something right as none happened after that till date?
@matthijsdj Belief is not truth 🤣
Do you seriously think between 2023 and late 1990s, no fraud happened in the stock market??

Hope govt is listening, they are empowering ED now, next they need to empower SEBI to the teeth..
@ericcgregg I'm talking about major scams affecting common everyday citizens on large scale, not celebrities like Arshad Warsi. Can you cite any such scam that happened between Harshad Mehta and 2023?
@matthijsdj Yes for sure 🤣 that CEO lady that let the servers be placed right in the basement of stock exchange..

High frequency trading is a real problem in the west as well.. I think this is a scam bigger than coal or 2G scam.. It has been pushed under the rug for some unknown reason..
@lilly159 absolutely loved this. As a finance student who is actively trying to grow my wealth of knowledge, I'd love to consume more of your content. Please let me know if you have a youtube channel or something :)

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