A fellow employee at our McD’s got knocked in the drive-thru a few weeks ago and finally got paid out

@gamefabrique Echoing.

Cars are liabilities. They lose money as soon as you look at it. If they need one, get a second hand cheap VW.

Take that money, put it in the bank with a high interest savings rate and later reinvest that money in property. Or keep it in the bank.
@gamefabrique R400000 can get him R20k to R40k a year in a savings account. Rather invest it and buy a cheaper car with the interest.

Blowing all that money on bling just isn’t worth it in the long run.
@gamefabrique Cars are not investments!!!!!! They lose money the second they leave the shop.

He can't work anymore (but can drive 🙄) so now he wants to blow this on a car.

How is he going to pay for insurance, petrol, maintenance on the car?
@gamefabrique I think you should watch a few episodes of I Blew It, because that’s the next step for him if he wants to buy a new car for the only money he got and he can’t work.

It is frankly the worst idea I have heard
@gamefabrique A car should only be considered a utility. It’s meant to get you A to B, unless you’re doing something like Uber to generate money from. That car, especially a modern car, will never sell for a profit.
@gamefabrique Buy a car as close to R400k as possible to try secure the interest of a rich female to take care of him for the rest of his life as now he cannot work, that is the best plan 100%.

Rich chicks love BMW 318i demo model for R400k for example, showing them that you have great taste and secure your image before any other financial security.

Definitely do not give your money to an investment firm or bank to generate more money, that way he will not look good and will live forever with nice things like BMW 318i.

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