A fellow employee at our McD’s got knocked in the drive-thru a few weeks ago and finally got paid out


New member
His right hand was damaged and he’s getting a monthly grant from the government cos he can’t work no more. McD’s paid him last week for his injury. Just over R400 000. He wants me to go with him to choose what car to buy. He asked me to recommend what car. I’d like to know what car is a good investment in case he needs to sell it to make money in the future, cos he won’t be able to work again. I’ve seen the new Polo with all the extras for just over R400k.
@gamefabrique Sounds like a bad idea. Cars are almost never "investments".

Buy a cheap Mk1/Citi golf. They're like R15k, parts are easy to find and they're not so bad on fuel.

Put the rest of the money in savings. Tyme will give him up to 10% interest.

Sounds like he was injured pretty badly. It might be worth him learning a new skill that'll allow him to work in future.
@intricateivory Yep, if he gets his grant paid to his Tyme account he will get 10% with 10days notice. I’d create 10 accounts with R10k each for emergencies. The R300k balance invest in a TFS. If the car is a must, get a cheap one, preferably a demo.
@gamefabrique The answer is simple, don’t buy a car.

If he can’t work anymore why does he need a car? How is he going to pay for the maintenance if he can’t work? How is he going to refuel the car if he can’t work? How is he going to pay the insurance if he can’t work?

See where this is going?

The real question here should be why can’t he ever work again? There are a lot of programs that help disabled people find jobs, that is what your friend should do. He shouldn’t be out car shopping.
@gamefabrique Bro this is the worst idea ever. If R400k is all, dont buy a car. Invest all of it so he can earn a bit of interest.

If he survived till now without a car and wont really money again dont buy a car.

A car will always lose its value never increase
@gamefabrique Cars are almost never an investment.

Use the money to upskill and find work.

There is a lot of IT related work you can do with 1 hand, while maybe a little slower but still manageable.

A grant and 400k cash will be in poverty and on the street in 24months. Definitely less if it's blown on a car.
@gamefabrique Ask him to watch a few episodes of I Blew It. Hopefully he’ll see that buying a car with all his money is the worst thing he can do. To put it in perspective, R400000 is a young professional’s yearly income so it’s far from enough to set him up for life. He desperately needs to find a new skill and income option.
@gamefabrique Cars are almost never an investment.

Use the money to upskill and find work.

There is a lot of IT related work you can do with 1 hand, while maybe a little slower but still manageable.

A grant and 400k cash will be in poverty and on the street in 24months. Definitely less if it's blown on a car.
@gamefabrique He absolutely should be taking that money and investing in education in a field he can work in. That money is to allow for the reorientation of his life and not for temporary relief. He should go to school.

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