A dangerous gap: The market v the real economy — The Economist, May 7 2020 edn


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Financial markets have got out of whack with the economy. Something has to give​

STOCK MARKET HISTORY is packed with drama: the 1929 crash; Black Monday in 1987, when share prices lost 20% in a day; the dotcom mania in 1999. With such precedents, nothing should come as a surprise, but the past eight weeks have been remarkable, nonetheless. A gut-wrenching sell-off in shares has been followed by a delirious rally in America. Between February 19th and March 23rd, the S&P 500 index lost a third of its value. With barely a pause it has since rocketed, recovering more than half its loss. The catalyst was news that the Federal Reserve would buy corporate bonds, helping big firms finance their debts. Investors shifted from panic to optimism without missing a beat.

This rosy view from Wall Street should make you uneasy (see article). It contrasts with markets elsewhere. Shares in Britain and continental Europe, for example, have recovered more sluggishly. And it is a world away from life on Main Street. Even as the lockdown eases in America, the blow to jobs has been savage, with unemployment rising from 4% to about 16%, the highest rate since records began in 1948. While big firms’ shares soar and they get help from the Fed, small businesses are struggling to get cash from Uncle Sam.

Wounds from the financial crisis of 2007-09 are being reopened. “This is the second time we’ve bailed their asses out,” grumbled Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential candidate, last month. The battle over who pays for the fiscal burdens of the pandemic is just beginning. On the present trajectory, a backlash against big business is likely.

Start with events in the markets. Much of the improved mood is because of the Fed, which has acted more dramatically than other central banks, buying up assets on an unimagined scale. It is committed to purchasing even more corporate debt, including high-yield “junk” bonds. The market for new issues of corporate bonds, which froze in February, has reopened in spectacular style. Companies have issued $560bn of bonds in the past six weeks, double the normal level. Even beached cruise-line firms have been able to raise cash, albeit at a high price. A cascade of bankruptcies at big firms has been forestalled. The central bank has, in effect, backstopped the cashflow of America Inc. The stockmarket has taken the hint and climbed.

The Fed has little choice—a run on the corporate-bond market would worsen a deep recession. Investors have cheered it on by piling into shares. They have nowhere else good to put their cash. Government-bond yields are barely positive in America. They are negative in Japan and much of Europe. You are guaranteed to lose money by holding them to maturity, and if inflation rises the losses would be painful. So stocks are appealing. By late March prices had fallen by enough to tempt the braver sort. They steeled themselves with the observation that much of the stockmarket’s value is tied to profits that will be made long after the covid-19 slump has given way to recovery.

Tellingly, though, the recent rise in share prices has been uneven. Even before the pandemic the market was lopsided, and it has become more so. Bourses in Britain and continental Europe, chock-full of troubled industries like carmaking, banking and energy, have lagged behind, and there are renewed jitters over the single currency (see article). In America investors have put even more faith in a tiny group of tech darlings—Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft—which now make up a fifth of the S&P 500 index. There is little euphoria, just a despairing reach for the handful of businesses judged to be all-weather survivors.

At one level, this makes good sense. Asset managers have to put money to work as best they can. But there is something wrong with how fast stock prices have moved and where they have got back to. American shares are now higher than they were in August. This would seem to imply that commerce and the broader economy can get back to business as usual. There are countless threats to such a prospect, but three stand out.

The first is the risk of an aftershock. It is entirely possible that there will be a second wave of infections. And there are also the consequences of a steep recession to contend with—American GDP is expected to drop by about 10% in the second quarter compared with a year earlier. Many individual bosses hope that ruthless cost-cutting can help protect their margins and pay down the debts accumulated through the furlough. But in aggregate this corporate austerity will depress demand. The likely outcome is a 90% economy, running far below normal levels.

A second hazard to reckon with is fraud. Extended booms tend to encourage shifty behaviour, and the expansion before the covid crash was the longest on record. Years of cheap money and financial engineering mean that accounting shenanigans may now be laid bare. Already there have been two notable scandals in Asia in recent weeks, at Luckin Coffee, a Chinese Starbucks wannabe, and Hin Leong, a Singaporean energy trader that has been hiding giant losses (see article). A big fraud or corporate collapse in America could rock the markets’ confidence, much as the demise of Enron shredded investors’ nerves in 2001 and Lehman Brothers led the stockmarket down in 2008.

The most overlooked risk is of a political backlash. The slump will hurt smaller firms and leave the bigger corporate survivors in a stronger position, increasing the concentration of some industries that was already a problem before the pandemic. A crisis demands sacrifice and will leave behind a big bill. The clamour for payback will only grow louder if big business has hogged more than its share of the subsidies on offer. It is easy to imagine windfall taxes on bailed-out industries, or a sharp reversal of the steady drop in the statutory federal corporate-tax rate, which fell to 21% in 2017 after President Donald Trump’s tax reforms, from a long-term average of well over 30%. Some Democrats want to limit mergers and stop firms returning cash to their owners.

For now, equity investors judge that the Fed has their back. But the mood of the markets can shift suddenly, as an extraordinary couple of months has proved. A one-month bear market scarcely seems enough time to absorb all the possible bad news from the pandemic and the huge uncertainty it has created. This stock market drama has a few more acts yet.■
@gidgetis1st I mean if that’s right I still think the Fed has done a great job in keeping confidence up. It’s when confidence falters that leads to sell offs. Fundamentals and confidence both play a role. Currently fundamentals are in the gutter but confidence is sound because Fed.
@indy62 Confidence should falter. Most everything is shutdown, consumer spending is down, unemployment is greater than the great depression. A virus with no solution in sight. What is there to be confident about?
@dreamwalker52 The Fed is what there is to be confident about. They came out and said we will do everything they can monetarily to help boost confidence.

The government on the other hand has the fiscal power which is more effective. But that’s debatable.
@indy62 So in other words. Herd mentality. Since the unelected leader of the herd said something, we should all run full speed at the cliff. Don't worry, we are all too big to fail, and I'm sure someone will give me a heads up if something is going wrong. Cause the country never is suspectable to group think.
@injesusname78 I agree but the Fed is so much more powerful. Their TALF program is just fucking genius. Reducing required capital rate is also lead to huge liquidity. They can do so much more tbh. But, if the banks lose faith in the Fed and their backing (which is near impossible) then it will collapse. That’s what happened in 2008 with Lehman Brothers. Banks thought they would be bailed. It wasn’t. A cliff.

Now I agree with you. This rally, I’m worried. But the famous saying goes, when the music is playing keep dancing. Eventually some will get caught dancing with their pants down. But atm the Fed is leading the charge with the full backing of the US govt.

I’m 90% cash. I’m worried that this isn’t sustainable as in there are shit earnings to sustain this rally. Everyone being too optimistic about the Fed while giving a blind eye to the ECB.
@indy62 Yeah, confidence was real high too with those credit default swaps the last go around. Saying whatever it takes to make people over confident and buy up things that are risky, on your word that de-risks them in their mind, is dangerous.
@gidgetis1st Doesn't it make sense that they'd buy Commercial Paper with a shorter maturation than Corporate Bonds to cover capital need shortfalls like payroll in the near-term?

As time progresses and companies begin to have less uncertainty about their future prospects, Corporate Bonds may start getting issued to finance recovery measures in the long-term.
@resjudicata No.

And the problem is the market does not realize that in terms of the fight against covid 19, nothing has changed yet. We still don't have enough testing, we don't have a treatment, and we don't have a vaccine. The only weapons we have right now are social isolation and wearing masks. I think we are closest to having contact tracing, which is a useful tool. But in the United States we still have yet to really implement it.

All that is to say that we are pretty much in the same situation as we were in early March, in terms of the pandemic.
@idivjohn Not to mention the revenue that will need to be spent on safety for businesses that do open. Reduces hours, sanitizing areas, masks and gloves and above all else, reduced demand. The economy is so far from normal all you can call the market is delusional. I believe the market is going to reverse course and possibly test lows q3-q4.
Reduces hours, sanitizing areas, masks and gloves

Three of those are good ideas. This is a respiratory virus. You can't get sick just by having it on the skin of your hands, and gloves are no better at stopping transmission via touch than bare skin. Taking off gloves without coming in contact with the outside of them is extremely difficult. Which is why even trained medical professionals wash their hands after removing gloves. And if you have to wash your hands anyway, then what's the point?

Clean your hand immediately after removing gloves.

-CDC Guidelines for glove removal

“Gloves don’t really protect you because … it sticks to the gloves the same way it sticks to your hands,” [Bettina Fries, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Stony Brook University in New York.] said. “It’s not different.”

-WaPo: Grocery shopping during the coronavirus: Wash your hands, keep your distance and limit trips

Sandra Kesh, M.D., an infectious disease specialist who is the deputy medical director at Westmed Medical Group... Dr. Kesh explains, adding that your hands are not "clean" even though you've used gloves. "In the process of removing gloves, your hands actually become somewhat contaminated, which is why we always recommend hand washing after glove removal," he says.

-Good House Keeping: Does Wearing Gloves Help Prevent Coronavirus? Doctors Explain Why They're Problematic

...microbiologist Kelly Reynolds, Ph.D., director of the environment, exposure science and risk assessment center at the University of Arizona....“Taking gloves off right isn’t a trivial thing,” Reynolds says. “We’ve done studies observing healthcare workers and how they remove the gloves, and about 30 percent do it wrong—and they’ve been trained.”

-Men's Health: You Shouldn't Be Wearing Gloves to Go Grocery Shopping

Jill Grimes, MD, Board-Certified Family Physician at UT Austin’s Student Health Services...Wearing gloves also doesn't give you a free pass to stop washing your hands—after removing gloves, you still need to wash your hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds.

-Health.com: Should You Wear Gloves to the Grocery Store? Why Doctors Say It's Not a Good Idea During Coronavirus

“Perhaps because gloves create a false sense of security, people aren’t using them properly and so they may actually make the contamination worse for others as well as the person wearing them,” says registered nurse Audrey Christie, MSN, RN, based in Lake Dallas, Texas, who works with women with autoimmune and chronic health conditions.

-creakyjoints: Wearing Gloves During Errands Doesn’t Offer Much Protection Against Coronavirus (and Can Even Make Things Worse)

“The gloves are totally a false hope. Remember this virus does not get spread through skin. That is so important. It gets through your eyes, through your nose and through your mouth. That’s how it gets into your system,” says Dr. Chris Snyder, the Chief Quality Officer at PRMC.

-WMDT: PRMC Doctor: Gloves are “false hope” in protection against COVID-19
@adams17 I’ve seen people leaving stores and driving with their gloves, holding their children’s bare hands in gloves, using phones in gloves. It’s really stupid.

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