A Checklist For Picking Great Stocks - Warren Buffett Investing Cheat Sheet

@ottomanscribe I mentioned above, but the aim is not to find companies that fit every criteria. The aim is to build portfolios targeting individual checklists (factors). Just pick a few criteria, eg. build a value portfolio.
@maus First, decide which factors/checklist you want to target. eg. perhaps you want to create a value portfolio, and a quality portfolio. The best way to choose these factors is by looking at which factors are performing best right not.

Value and small cap tend to perform better during economic recovery.

Momentum tends to performs best during expansion.

Quality and Low Vol tend to perform best during slow down and during recessions/contraction.

So. Let's say you are creating a value portfolio. You look at my value checklist. And pick companies which fit most of the criteria. Using an online screener. Or Aikido Finance has pre-built value strategies.

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