A brief timeline of Yes Bank's saga

@jdimmick This NPA reporting from banks seems dubious, I can't understand the accounting standard behind it .

There has to be a singular structure for bank reporting otherwise I fear there will be no banks left.

Indiabull & LVB are also facing some concerns from RBI
@luyemi In August 2019 QIP, they raised Rs 1930 crores by selling shares at Rs 83.55 per share, a 4.95 per cent discount to the floor price of Rs 87.90 set by the bank.

I don't think any QIP is going to help Yes Bank with current price levels and no wise institutional investor will put his money on this bank.
@jdimmick The institutions which participated in the QIP bought shares around 83 means they must have seen something in the bank. Is there an agreement of when they can sell their shares.
@birdyyyy The problem with banks is that most of their money is owned by others, i.e. they are mostly debt. Hence equity holders come last in the pecking order and if NPAs cross a threshold ( of interest income on total deposits) equity comes to 0. That's why bank shares can be very volatile.

This is my understanding anyways - therefore I should not have invested in Yes Bank at 120 thinking its a good buy - I didn't remind myself of this fact at the time.
@thepozz These things has happened to banks like ICICI also and it is trading at it's all time high.one of the major criteria which I use in selecting a stock is whether I would like to use there products and on this criteria YB is miles ahead of it's competition it's consumer service is much better than all other Private banks with pan India presence
one of the major criteria which I use in selecting a stock is whether I would like to use there products

This is highly dangerous advice and I suggest you stop using it.

There are plenty of terrible businesses with great products (Kingfisher Airlines, WeWork, Old Monk rum) and plenty of great businesses with terrible products ( Salman Khan movies, Naukri.com, DMart)

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