A big thanks to /u/Iced_TeaFTW and /r/insurance


New member
A few weeks ago I posted for help in this forum in regards to a sleep study claim with BCBS. Long story short I got hit with a $1,200 bill that I had been told on numerous occasions I would not get. The sleep study company and BCBS both said I was responsible for it despite what I had been told, so as a last resort I posted on here. /@edit responded to my post and we e-mailed back and forth over several days and she drafted a letter to send to the sleep study company. I heard back from them the other day and they backed down and apologized for giving me the incorrect information. So thank you so much /@edit!!
The text of the letter I received

"Thank you, again, for the letter you sent IntegraSleep regarding the payment of the sleep study claims by BCBS. I have discussed the issue with the executive team of IntegraSleep and examined our processes.

Please accept my apology in regards to the email you received which passed along incorrect information given to our insurance department by the customer service representative at BCBS. We have extensive notes of the many calls we placed to BCBS to try and obtain the correct benefits and were told every time that your claim would be covered. Despite being given the incorrect information by BCBS, we should not have informed you that BCBS would cover the claim without the disclaimer of "no payment is guaranteed until processed". We check our clients' benefits as a matter of courtesy, but know from experience that the information given to us is, unfortunately, not always accurate.

We will not hold you responsible for the claim not paid by your insurance plan. Exemplary customer service is our guiding principal and we strive to provide that outstanding customer service to all of our clients. I will use this situation to further train and underline the importance of complete information.

We truly appreciate your business and trust that your experience with the sleep study itself was satisfactory. Thank you for your time."
@nerdmom That's so awesome, please make sure to send a letter of thanks or post to their FB page, recognition of their customer service should be awarded. So glad it worked out for you!
@nerdmom I told /@edit in a PM last week that she has my dream job. I don't get to do as much advocacy for patients as I would like. (I'm not 100% that I have the gender right but going with the odds of coders.)
@nerdmom /@edit is good people. She steps in frequently on this sub to help people out, going the extra mile. She is a professional with a business to run who chooses to share her expertise with posters now and then. Nice job IcedTea!

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