
New member
I’m not having kids anytime soon but would genuinely like to hear from some folks about the costs surrounding having a child in Ireland.

Aside from the items like a stroller, clothes, formula and all that good stuff, how much do people pay purely for doctors appointments and actually giving birth?

Considering everything is above board, healthy baby, and no complications, how much are check ups and how often do you go? how much does it cost to actually give birth in the hospital?

Would love to hear your experiences!
@dennisrainey90 Stroller: €1700

Clothes: Cheap or free, mainly gifts everytime some visits. Can be bought cheaply at Tesco or Next.

Forumula: €20 per week currently

Doctors: Childcare is free pre birth and after birth. (may not be the same for non nationals)

Hospital birth: Free (may not be the same for non nationals)

Nappies: €60 per month.

Lack of sleep: Priceless.

Edit: When I say stroller, I mean the full car seat and basonet in those combined things with the buggy.

ALSO CARPARKING for partner. €4.00-€4.20 per hour. Theyll probably be there from at least 8am-9am If youre in the hospital for a few days, it adds up.
@jhonn It’s been a while but iirc l the stroller we got for the eldest was around that mark. Bugaboo chameleon, came with everything, car seat and base etc. best buy ever, we have had 3 kids and 15 years with it and it’s still going strong. My sister in law in the same period has been through 3 or 4 different buggies and new born prams all of them “cheaper” than the bugaboo.

Most supermarkets do a monthly special on nappies and formula around the time the child benefit is paid, we used to pick formula and nappies for the month and it was normally €40 or so cheaper than buying them weekly
@chxl I got the bugaboo chameleon with pram, buggy etc for €250 on FB marketplace from someone upgrading to a double buggy. Also got the sun shade and the Snuggie thing on FB marketplace. Obviously bought the car seat and base new, but we probably saved about a 1000.

Parent’s recycling groups also often have buggies to take away.

It’s literally all I used facebook for now. :)
ALSO CARPARKING for partner. €4.00-€4.20 per hour.

For our 3 lads we were there for 2 or 3 days after the birth and the car parking fee is capped at a certain amount for the day. Something like €15 or €20 maybe? I seem to remember there was a special rate for those in maternity also? You had to ask security about it. This was back in 2015. This was in CUH.

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