4 fender benders in as many years; looking for less expensive insurance recos, but am I insurable?


New member
Hi all, I am currently insured by State Farm and paying almost $500 a month. I've been in 4 fender benders in as many years. Is there any company who might take me on at a lower rate? As a single mother, I'm struggling to make ends meet, and I planned to move into an apartment this year. I drive a 2006 Kia Rio and I live in California. Am I insurable? I'm scared to even look for a competitor, as I think I'll be rejected.
@eternity75 You have several big strikes against you. You're in California, and the insurance market there is a complete mess.

You have a Kia. Unless you've been living under a rock for the last 2 years, you already know why they are disproportionately expensive to insure.

And you have an atrocious driving record. If all of the accidents were at fault, you're lucky to be paying only $500/month. You're going to need to wait for each accident to age off of your claims history, which takes 3-5 years.

Shopping for insurance does not penalize you in any way. It's very difficult to find new coverage in CA right now. Many companies have stopped writing policies there, and the ones that are left have imposed mandatory waiting periods for coverage with no guarantee of acceptance.

You need to reach out to an independent agent for assistance. It's free to use their services. They can help you find quotes and access the companies you've never heard of that don't quote directly with the public. They can find you the best deal.

Consider getting rid of the Kia if you can, though selling it would be tough because no one wants them.
@former32%C2%B0mason Well, thanks for pointing out I have an "atrocious" driving record. I had a bad few years mental health-wise and that affected my attention. But I'm getting better now. I will try not to take what you said too personally.

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