35, 330k NW. At a crossroad and I need advice what's next

@pixelsage If money and the accumulation of it is your goal then you will never be happy. I am struggling myself with the right balance, but there will always be more money to acquire and you will never have enough.

If I were you I’d move somewhere warm and open a decent coffee stall or something
@pixelsage You seem to want to increase your risk to make more money, but investments are not guaranteed so the risk could backfire and you could instead end up losing more money, then you will have to grind even more, accumulate safer investments, which will be slower, and delay your retirement even more.

I think your goal of 3k per month net adjusted for inflation is realistically achievable if you keep grinding for another decade. But do you actually spend 3k net per month now? Why do you need so much money in retirement? 3k net with no mortgage or rent is a lot of money and I personally couldn't even find a use for it, in retirement supposedly you are going to scale back, so maybe you don't even need that much money. Also you would be 45 by then so basically more than half dead, so having a million dollars at that point I think you will just feel stupid that you wasted half your life for it.
@pixelsage I'm about 98% sure that you have posted this exact thing before.

The Bahamas + "powercouple" ex-wife + doomerism situation rings a bell (or there's more guys in your situation).

Honestly, I'd suggest therapy for the doomerism/pessimism.

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