34M need suggestion for a life insurance company after alcohol overdose


New member
34M, sahm wife and two kids less than 2 years
6’3 and 240 pounds.
Been drinking 2 liters of whiskey per week but stopped last month.
No health issues.
Never alchol rehab.
Never treated or prescribed for alchol(but I went to a gastro guy who did many tests on my liver to confirm that it is good after heavy alchol consumption, these tests might appear as recieving treatment).

need suggestion for a life insurancecompany after alcohol overdose visit to emergency.

Last month, I drank a lot and was getting almost blackout and so I went to emergency.

My health is in good condition and they just monitored me in emergency, told my vitals are normal and sent me back but it is in the record. I did reduce or stop drinking post that.

Should I try other options like morgage protection or something else ?

Please suggest some other ideas on how to get get life insurance where someone will grant me even with this bad health record or someone who won't check records.
@roundspheal01 I think it’s going to be very difficult for you to get coverage with this recent history. I think you’re going to need to be alcohol free for at least 1 before a carrier will consider you for a highly rated policy.
@roundspheal01 There’s other factors at play.

Were you prescribed any medications that you would fulfill from a pharmacy due to this event?

Did you go to rehab due to this event?

What’s your height & weight?

Are you diagnosed with anything else?
@roundspheal01 That’s rough!
Sorry you’re going through it, but glad you are getting on the right path.

It is helpful that you have now quit drinking. I don’t think the situation is as bleak for getting approved with an insurance carrier.

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