32 M - networth touched 8 figures in FY 2024


New member
2012- Zero networth
2024- eight figures (1.2 cr to be exact)

Living in a tier three city. Low cost of living. Only major recurring expenses is online lectures and classes and purchasing books. Working in a psu bank currently. Before joining work was freelancing.
Saving rate after necessary expenses is 80%

Looking to reach 2 cr or even more by 2029.
Is it possible with investment of around 60k/ month.
@highlyfavored85 Nah man - money (at least just 8 figures) can't do much for quality of life in tier 3 cities with the constant power cuts, lack of water supply for days on end, difficult to adopt the highest quality products due to lack of authorised servicing, constant struggle in finding high quality blue collar workers, and so on.

Probably with the fuck you kind of money in 9/10 figures, these problems also go away.

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