31K in Debt - How can I climb out of this debt hole?

@buzzard So looking at what you have. I see the following:

2 overdrafts

2 Credit cards

3 loans (one ending in Nov)

Income 3850 outgoings (before payments) 1915. Payments ~1k. Leaves excess of 935

My suggestion here is as follows:

Loan 2 is repaid by end Nov. After that it frees up an additional 100 a month - leaving you with excess of 1040.

Lets say you start on Dec 1 with this plan

You have 2 overdrafts (which can be called by the bank at any time). Your first month you should use your entire excess to pay down the 1k overdraft. this should be priority.

After that you should try to 'save' some of your 1k excess (lets call it 300 in savings). this gives you a little back up fund incase anything unexpected happens in the future. Now 700 a month for repayments.

Your next priority should be the 20% credit card bill. With 700 excess a month, you should be in a position to have paid this off by August 24. (and another 200 a month freed up. At this point i suggest splitting the extra 200 between repayment capacity and savings- now 800 a month for repayments, 400 in savings)

Next priority is bank loan 3 (goes to 20% in Feb 24). Roughly speaking there should be ~1300 remaining by August. Repay that next (possibly by end Oct). (another 100 freed up). 900 for repayments, 400 for savings)

At end Oct you would then have (roughly) the below outstanding

Loan 1 (~9K) - 10.9%

Credit card 5 (~7K) -18%

Bank o/d 6 (~3K) - 15%

Savings 3,600-4k (assuming you don't dip into it)

At this point I would look at using ~2k of savings to pay down credit card and bank overdraft (1k off each). Any savings made to the month repayment for the minimum credit card should be used to repay the credit card debt (eg if it goes from 210 -200, instead of paying 500 a month, pay to 510. This will snowball and help pay this off quicker)

Going forward i would look to pay 600 a month on the credit card and 300 a month on the overdraft. Both of these could then be fully repaid by Aug 25 then.

I guess by then Bank loan 1 has about 12-18 months left to run. I would look to pay that to schedule. your overseas rent effectively pays this off.

It is important for you to see that A) you are making progress in repayment (closing out loans/ credit cards helps for this) and B) to save money for unexpected events(if something happens and you need money, it will be difficult for you to borrow more as it stands).

Its a tough couple of years ahead of you but stay strong., see the longer term picture and hopefully you will be relatively debt free in a few years.

Also what is helpful is to build a budget for the next few years. see where you need to make other payments/ get a bonus etc.

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