31 years old. My wife (32) has been unemployed for 3 months. Looking for input on our financial position.

@alicia0201 I like an automatic investment into a mutual fund or stock brokerage account. I actually do both. They both come out of our accounts automatically each month- $250 to mutual fund and $500 to brokerage that automatically gets invested the way the portfolio is set up. Plus you end up dollar cost averaging- when stocks are down you pay a lower price and when they’re up you pay a higher price so you never end up investing all your money at the peak
@alicia0201 For the 401ks, you can consolidate the old ones into your current company's 401k. In my case it was easy since both of my 401k accounts were at Fidelity. Ultimately you can just rollover all accounts into an IRA - this takes about a 10min phone call with your financial institution. 401ks have a few legal protections that an IRA doesn't have, but I don't think it's worth the mental hassle of tracking everything separately.

Anyway, your position looks great - congrats!

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