3 points on my driving record in cali. All companies deny me or are too expensive! Any help?


New member
26 y/o with a 10 year clean driving record means fucking nothing when you crash once and go over 100mph once In the span of 1 year. California sucks. It seems my auto quote is either over 400$-1000$ or all of them deny me!
@nesiory No one cares about your 10 years driving record when you’ve proven yourself to be an insanely reckless and dangerous driver. Why are you surprised? Do you think you should pay the same as someone who doesn’t drive like Ricky Bobby?
@nesiory In one year's time you've proven yourself to be incredibly reckless and most companies don't want to take on the risk that you'll likely severely injure someone soon or God forbid, kill someone. Those that will take on the risk are going to charge accordingly. That's not exactly rocket science.
@nesiory You don’t state when you had the accident or the ticket for going over 100. I assume this is a more recent turn of events. Insurance carriers only care about your most recent activity in the last 3 to 5 years. If those things happened within that time frame then you have become a liability to their risk models. Statistically speaking you are likely to cause major damage, injury, or loss of life based on current data. Your best bet will be to contact a local broker who can shop you around for plans and carriers that you cannot access on a website.
@nesiory Bite the bullet and pay the premium or move to another state 🤷

There is no reason to go over 100mph, which I think is actually considered excessive speeding in CA and is more serious than a regular ticket.
@nesiory You have two separate incidents in the last year that show you have been a super reckless driver.

And as far as the insurance companies know, you were just lucky as fuck not to have killed somebody or gotten caught speeding until now. Actions have consequences, and right now you’re seeing that first hand with your auto rates.

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