3 0% liability accidents 6 month span


New member
Hello everyone!

So i had a personal question regarding insurance premiums. Currently i am with beneva insurance and have been insured since june 2022 with a new car (elantra 2022)

Since June 2023 , i have been rear ended 3 times causing over 20k in repairs and had 0% liabilty in each case. I already pay 202 per month for my insurance and am deadly afraid of renewal time. In this case , how much can my premiums increase if i was not at fault for any of them… and what are some ideas so i could save the most possible upon renewal ?

Thanks to everyone
@2c710 Not your fault should equal no increase. Be aware that car insurance in general has been increasing though. You will likely see an increase. Be sure to shop around at renewal time.
@ncfelix Someone at beneva today told me he believes it will be a minimum of atleast 100$ increase by month. Apparently the company sees you at more of a risk and rightfully so. I wonder if anyone has been in a similar situation ..
@2c710 If you have been rear ended three times, even though you are not at fault, you must be driving like an idiot.

14 years driving in Canada. Never have been rear ended once.
@andrewmicheals This was my first thought too. This is normally the case — oblivious drivers not driving to expected norms leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

However, it could just be a string of bad luck too.
@nichristian I could understand how someone thinks this and i would think this from an exterior perspective as well. It really was a terrible string of luck
@chaserdc The insurance company will still see me as a risk even though i was not at fault. Thats why im contemplating how much it could raise for each accident

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