2nd 15km over speeding ticket in 2.5 years


New member
As the title says, I stupidly got my second 15km over ticket in 2.5 years (driving down a country road, enjoying the scenery, minding my own business, when I noticed the red/ blue lights).

I’m in Canada-land (Ontario), over 25 and have had my full G for 3.5-4 years now and been with the same insurance company for almost 10 years.

My insurance rates didn’t increase after the first ticket- but I assume I won’t be that lucky again. Anyone have any similar experience/ how much their insurance rates increased? Some articles I’ve read have mentioned 20-30%, but I’d rather hear from someone “real”. TIA!
@nuggets71 Can only speak to my state (Michigan) but I assume it's similar. Insurance companies have to pay around $10 to obtain the "motor vehicle report" which is the report showing any tickets you've had. They ALWAYS buy one when you sign up, but rarely buy another. Here's the situations where they do: 1) typically after you've been involved in an accident (especially if you were at fault) and 2) if you've been "on the books" for 5+ years they'll routeinly run random MVR's (ie luck of the draw). Don't worry about it for now, and if/when your rate skyrockets shop around at that time. Also be DAMN sure not to get in an at-fault accident because all 3 combined will render you uninsurable by most companies.

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