28 y/o, feeling stressed after transferring $7k into 2024 Roth IRA contribution

@flowerinthefield Why is this not a higher comment? Roth IRA is almost an emergency fund in a way… you can access your contributions (not earnings from them) at any time with zero penalty because you have already paid taxes on them.
@flowerinthefield Is this also the case for a 401k Roth? or what if I transferref the 401k Roth to my Roth IRA? I have like 3k in my employer roth from this year (barely no gain), i am changing jobs now and will probably need to transfer out to my IRA, can i then take that out?
@flowerinthefield I know theres no penalty to rollover, I am asking if theres a penalty to withdraw from my IRA after I rolled over from my Roth 401k into it (Ive had my IRA open for 2 years more or less)
@victoryforever You worked really hard to build that savings up and by moving 7k of it to another place it might feel like you just took a chunk of it “away” but you’re Gucci. Everything your doing is smart. Congrats on being ahead of the game.
@recovering Totally agree. I think you just gotta remind yourself you’re not spending it on like leisure items and remind yourself of all the benefits of what moving that money to your Roth will provide- tax advantage, investment, accessibility, etc.
@cmack Depends on what you invest in, my wife and I are wanting to try and buy a house in the near future, and the down payment money we've saved up is in our brokerage account invested in a money market fund paying around 5.25%. it's just an alternative to an HYSA.

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