27 what TF to do W an arts degree

@arbie5788 Positive take,

General Degrees are there to teach you how to think, how to learn and spend 4 years growing up… after that it’s not super connected to a job life beyond getting past HR screening criteria.

Your scores don’t matter, saying you’ve completed it, will be helpful to say you’ve done it just to make someone in a HR team’s life easier to tick a box.

Apply for jobs you want, you can say you’ve got it, it’s demonstration you can learn. It’s a ticket to an interview, other skills are on you to learn either now or on the job.

Only bother with further higher education if you want to be an academic or want to pursue a career that really needs specific training.
@arbie5788 You're already on a finance sub reddit, I'm guessing you have some interest in the topic. Do a grad cert (finance), it will probably be 12k, and look for employment at a fund manager/super fund in the communications area.
@arbie5788 Most of the comments here are BS and people don’t know what they’re talking about.

I did a plain old arts degree, and sailed out of uni into my dream job in international trade for the Government. After doing the grad program last year, I’m already on 83k, which I feel is pretty good for a grad job straight out of uni.

Sure, your career path may not be as defined as people who study teaching, physio, law etc, but many big companies are now focussing on hiring people with an arts/humanities background because they actually know how to think.

Many of my friends got into consulting jobs at the big 4 just with arts degrees. They don’t just hire people with commerce backgrounds, for example.

So, you could look into Federal or State Gov jobs, or consulting as I said, and I’m sure there are many other options as well.

Your questions is rather vague though. What did you major in? What are your passions? What is your work experience?
@lamaisondetoutou Or just keep the BA and work retail?

I believe we have the m.teach fast track masters in Tasmania. 18 months. Pretty small commitment in the scheme of things.
Or the Teach for Australia program. Get paid to do your degree. 👌

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