25 yr old with about 30k in savings and on a salary of 70k looking to make my next steps

@besjoux I am in a very similar position. I am lumping everything into TR atm and taking the 4%. Stock Markets so high atm I just dont fancy it. Also lot of work in managing a rental property and think you would loose the help to buy scheme worth €30k (if its still around when you look to purchase).
@merriweather How long have you been avoiding the stock market? Likely you have already massively lost out.

You can’t time the market, it’s a fools errand to try.
@dinu About 6 months since I came back from abroad.

And I agree with you, however I am not waiting on the sidelines for it to fall and then put my money in. I am happy taking 4% instead. I will need the money in a few years and loading it into an all time high stock market for a short period does not make sense to me. Each to their own.
@merriweather Well you’ve missed out on the 23% gains that the S&P 500 has since over the last 6 months.

You did not say previously that you needed the money within 5 years, but of course that would change the advice.
@dinu I know and I am OK with this. Stock market is going to rise and fall regardless of whether my money is in it.

I pointed out I am in a similar position to OP who included his time frame.
@merriweather I mean, what you said was that the stock market is so high atm that you don’t fancy it. That’s you saying you expect it to fall, aka you trying to time the market, which is not possible to do.
@dinu I can't believe you feel the need to argue the fact that I am personally not investing in the stock market

I also think you are missing the point I have a guaranteed return of 4%.

4% guaranteed (taxed at a lower rate) is better for my personal circumstances than putting my savings in the current very high stock market for a short period of time.

If you genuinley think ignoring the current level of the market is ALWAYS optimal regardless of circumstances then I wish you the best, you will likely need it.
@merriweather Time in the market beats timing the market, always.

If you have no money at all in the market you’re making a mistake.

And no need to get so offended lad. This is a very low stakes interaction, don’t take it so seriously.

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