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Hello everyone, my first post here. Advice are greatly appreciated. Not sure if this the right sub but just gave it a try.

As the title says, i'm a 25 y/o, fresh grad, working for my first job. I'm from Sarawak and currently work in KL with a gross salary of 3.5k/month. My monthly expenses are:

-300 for fuel

-200 for tolls (job involves a lot of commuting)

-400 for food

-250 for mum

-40 for telecom bills

-100 for other stuff (hair cut, etc..)

-0 for car (car is an old 2011 but reliable proton saga)

I haven't paid rental yet as i'm currently living in my aunt's house for the time being. My question is, what's the max amount of money if you were in my place, for rental + utilites? Is 650 too high? From my online searches, room rentals can be like rm 50-100 cheaper but far away (spend more on fuel, toll and worse, time) or too expensive for me to even consider. I found one which is about rm 650 per month for rental and utilities, and it is around 10 minutes of commuting to work.

I've stayed at my aunt's house for almost a month now, but my aunt has been giving me a lot of subtle hints for me to move out, and i feel uncomfortable staying here any longer. Thank you in advance for the help.
@veenesse I would say closer to work is a more feasible option, albeit you'll pay around 650. You can ask the landlord if you can split the initial down payment for the room (2+1). If you were to take a room far away at RM 500, saving RM 150 each month, but end up with more time on traffic and commuting, that's such a waste. Your time is precious, stay close to work, focus better at work eyeing promotions or looking out for new job with higher pay, even upskilling yourself to increase income rather than in traffic. Totally on you how it fits your life. Getting to work fast enough and coming back quick is good for mental health.
@mariauk I will contact the landlord to try negotiate the downpayment. Thank you. I agree on the last sentence, driving in the traffic jam at 5.30 pm wears me down physically and mentally.
@veenesse nettpay after deductions : RM3100 approx

nett expenses currently : RM 1300

Balance : 1800

I would budget RM500 for a decent place to stay. and I think you should spare RM200/month for medical card.
@dazza_73 Follow this OP.

And if at all possible and you don't mind, RM 500 for your aunt's room might be an alternative. Having a family member close by can be beneficial in many aspects (Safety, Help, etc)
@veenesse Yes. It’s best to have one tied to your name and not company. Because you might not be with the company forever. And the premium will increase the later u sign for one on ur name later
@hazelhope So does that mean it doesn't make a difference if one starts getting a medical card at 28 vs at 23?

Or will the one who starts at 23 will have a lower premium when he turns 28 compared to the one who starts at 28?
@nekiness Depends on the policy but in most cases, premiums always increase. Buying early is just for early coverage.

If you family has a history of illness like cancer, it's best to buy early. Alternatively, you may consider insurance plans that do not need to go through agent. It's cheaper but you may need to handle paperwork yourself.

What ever you do, never mix insurance and invesment.
@veenesse Hello fellow Sarawakian! I wanted to give some feedback. Your bills sound okay, it seems that your petrol + tolls (biggest combined expense) can't be cut. If you move to the 650 room, does it decrease your current commute?

For reference I graduated in 2017 and at that time I paid RM900 for a room in KL on a 3k salary, it included my utilities (water, electricity, internet) and it was close to work which meant I spent 0 on commuting. I also didn't have a car to maintain. I use my extra time to cook meals which means I also save money on eating out. It really depends on how comfortable you feel with your budget. I could have spent about 600 on a room further away but due to the location of my office (not close to public transport) I would have to commute minimum 40 minutes one way, and I felt spending the extra RM300 was worth it to save hours of time every month.

Lastly I want to add - a rough rule of thumb I've seen on Reddit to estimate maximum rent is up to 30% gross salary. This would put you at RM1050 based on 3.5k but the number works, although if you maxed out the 30%, chances are you have no money to save once you deduct all your other expenses. 650 puts you at a comfortable 18%. When I was renting my RM900 room I was maxing out my 30%, which worked for me but would not have worked if I had additional expenses like family or car.
job involves a lot of commuting

Find out if your work-related transport costs are reimbursable, and if they are not, make sure they are. Pergi balik office home for sure cannot claim, anything else should be claimable.

400 for food

That's about RM13 per day. Don't compromise your nutrition...

250 for mum

Is this for romatic purposes? Or she really needs the money? You just started working, take some liberties to get yourself established before giving away money.

If your aunt's place is ok, consider offering to pay rent and utilities.
@georgiew -Mileage above 30 km for work related transports are claimable at 45 cents per km (quite low, but it's my first job, i'll take it)

-i actually agree, i should increase it to 600, no wonder i'm always tired lmao

-my mum dont really need the money, the only problem is she keeps insisting it's for "berkat". Tbh, I dont mind

-i'll try to talk to my aunt regarding renting at her place, thank you.
@veenesse Unrelated to title, but please set aside some money for the car. It will need service, tire changes, unexpected breakdown or accident, and the usual parts replacement due to wear and tear. Good thing it's a saga so spare parts are cheap and easy to find.

Maybe rm100 a month.
@veenesse Hey op maybe I can help by laying out my situation back then for me.
I'm from Sabah, and moved over to KL for uni. Graduated 2019, and I got a job in Bukit jalil.
My rental was rm600, and within walking distance to lrt Bukit jalil (about 800m) and my office in TPM(about 1.5km)

I walked to office everyday, and cook most of my meals. Was able to save rm1000 out of my rm3000 salary every month back then, which gave me much needed breathing room to think and work out my career.

Hope it helps. Feel free to DM :)

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