25 M sole earner in family of 4. taking 10 Lakhs education loan to study abroad

Hi guys, need some advice I'm currently working in dubai for almost 2 years. Taking an MBA and studiying abroad was always my dream, My father passed away when i was 15 year old. I'm eldest child and was responsible for taking care of my siblings.

As i put hold on my abroad dreams and started working in Dubai after graduation.

Now after 2 year of working, my sister wedding is done 1 brother have graduatred.

So is it a good time to study ? Which is the best bank to take education loan ? any advices on what need to be checked ?
@captainwonderful I'm 28M who studied abroad with an education loan at 3 years of work ex.

My advise would be to hold on to this plan for some more time if your family is dependent on you. I had taken an education loan for 35L to study in Europe and due to Covid everything was messed up. Now I work in India with decent pay but a huge chunk goes towards loan.

If you can wait 1-2 years more and save this 10L instead, there's nothing like it. Please be debt free as it puts a lot of pressure on you.

Objectively answering your question - go for any public sector bank through Vidyalakshmi portal. They have the lowest interest and if you have collateral, its the best way to finance education.
@captainwonderful Private banks provide loans more easily than the PSUs. Being the devil's advocate- what are your goals for studying abroad? Where- in the Middle East, US, Europe? How will that degree help you? Do you really want to study or want to spend time in that country? If the later, can you find a job there? Maybe go for a deputation for your current job. Since you are the sole earner, have you saved for the next 18 months for your family's expenses?

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