24 y/o making 61k in Montreal, Qc

@3rdegreeblock I know my work insurance mentioned it but I didn’t bother to look into it as I was paying for this one already. I’ll definitely check! & I maxed my LOC transferring my cc debt on it. Will definitely focus on the high interest cc’s first. Thank you!
@namaste1959 Just to give you a rough idea, I bought life insurance recently (500k, 30 yr term) for $35 per month. I am a 30 yr old female and mine is certainly more expensive than yours. Did you add any extra coverages?
@namaste1959 12k worth of credit card debt is a heavy burden. Convert it in another form of loan that's not running at 20% interest and snipe it afap. Make sure you don't end up at the same exact place in a couple years. Good luck in the future.
@ant94 That's mostly a lie.

There are some jobs out there (and some locations, like Montreal) where speaking certain languages will help, but in most of Canada and in most jobs, speaking French isn't any more useful than speaking Catalan or Kazakh. And most of the jobs outside Quebec where French will help are shit jobs i.e. call centres.
@ant94 I'm bilingual ( French first language, ESL) and live outside Quebec. It has done absolutely nothing for me, and has actually held me into shit jobs all my life (because French is my mother tongue).

French doesn't make the top 10 spoken languages where I live. Languages like Punjabi, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Hindi, Arabic, etc. are tremendously more useful than French.

Stop the lying and gaslighting. Just because French is the language of Quebec doesn't make it relevant outside Quebec where it's spoken by less than 1% of the population, and is completely drowned out by immigrant languages. I know what I'm talking about.

EDIT: the notion that "Canada is a bilingual country" is just a legal fiction. French is the language of Quebec, and a common language in the north and east coast of New Brunswick, the Ottawa area, and Northeastern Ontario. Anywhere else, French plays no role. Zilch. None.
@ant94 Yeah, for people in places like Montreal, Ottawa and Northeastern Ontario.

In the vast majority of English Canada, immigrant languages (as I listed above) are tremendously more useful than French. When I worked a public facing job, I used French at most once or twice a month; my Punjabi-speaking coworkers used it 5+ times a day.

Pretty much all the bilingual EN/FR jobs here are call centres. So shit jobs.
@namaste1959 Shop around for Insurances Try to lower that

Pay off CC debt First- As much as you can

Pay off Credit line debt

Work on emergency savings of 6 months of monthly bill

Start investing after that(maybe topic for another day)

(No need for emergency savings first since you can pull Credit line if required)
@namaste1959 It's hard to give advice other than Spend less or Make more for your situation, we'd need a bit more information.

Honestly you're making a killing with the side hustle! Perhaps you could repay your debts with that money? doing so would not impact your living standard

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