21 Y.O Making a NISA as a student


New member
Hello friends, I am a 21-year-old student in Tokyo and I'm looking to open a NISA account. I moved here 2 years ago for uni and don't have much knowledge on this subject so I'm looking for any help! (I am Japanese/Indonesian born and raised in Indonesia). I’m worried that inflation and weak ¥ will devalue the money I have saved so I’m looking for things to do with my savings.

I have read that the new 2024 NISA has an indefinite tax exemption period and has a higher cap on how much you can invest (correct me if I'm wrong). I am wondering if I should open an account before the end of the year and put some money in a regular/tsumitate NISA account. If I do this and make another NISA account next year in 2024, will both accounts be running simultaneously?

Is this recommended or will I face any issues? Is it worth opening a NISA account as a student making around 50k a month? Last question, if I open an account on Rakuten, should I create a Rakuten credit card first so that I can accumulate points on the card to then use to reinvest in the NISA account? Thank you so much in advance for any info/advice!

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