2024 Health Insuramce


New member
I am enrolling in insurance for 2024, and am having trouble deciding between 2 plans. I don't want to make a bad decision for my family, so I would appreciate any advice!

I have a family of 3

Plan A:

Deductible: $4k individual, $8k family
OOP Max: $8,150 indiv, $16,300 fam
Office visit: $25 primary office, $75 specialist
Price/year: $8,900

Plan B:

Deductible: $6k indiv, $12k fam
OOP Max: $6k indiv, $12k fam
Office visit: $0 after deductible for both
Price/year: $5,120

My son is 9 months old, and we are hoping to have another kid this year, but aren't pregnant yet.

Am I crazy for thinking Plan B sounds better? Even if we do end up having another baby this year, Plan B seems to cap the cost at $6K for my wife, and Plan A deductible doesn't kick in until $4k of expenses. Only benefit I see is the office visit price, which doesn't seem like it makes up for the $3,700 Price difference.

Am I understanding this correctly?


(Sorry for the spelling mistake in the title!)

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