2023 TSP Contribution Tables

@mudhen My point is that this pay raise is better than 90% of what other Americans are getting so it wouldn’t affect recruiting considering the shitty alternatives. Additionally, our pay raise is based upon the previous years civilian pay and with consideration to the CPI. It will always lag because of the way this is calculated. It’s not rocket science. I would assume a much larger pay raise next year if inflation continues and civilian pay starts to increase.

Also I can’t speak for other services but I’m in the navy and navy recruiting has met goals for enlisted this year. It did not meet officer quotas. There seems to be a prevailing myth (at least on r/navy) that recruiting is so bad but that’s not true.
@yandere Here's a sneak peek of /r/navy using the top posts of the year!

#1: I respect a leader who does a press briefing in his base layer in a city under siege. God Speed President Volodymyr Zelensky. | 220 comments

#2: MCPON visited the GW today. A buddy from the ship dropped this quote in a group chat. | 1150 comments

#3: Smile through the pain. | 78 comments

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