@mototothemax No question, just writing off my anger: yea "one stop" my ass, as usual they send you an envelop with 7, yes fucking 7(!) sheets of A4 packed with information. and of course you need scanning, printing, cutting and glueing and bullshit. WHYYYY can't anything be straightforward?!?! surprised i didnt need a hanko and a faxmachine. Why does everything has to come with a fucking instruction manual to read through to do anything. Fuck sake japanese people are by far THE worst in the world at designing products, processes, websites, whatever that is easy to use! If you fucking need to explain something, its fucking badly designed. Good Design är like a good fucking joke, if you have to explain it, its not a good joke!
@resjudicata I find going the route of filing a tax return to be less painful and more straightforward than the one-stop system, personally. People may want to consider that option even if they could utilize the one-stop system.
@mototothemax I'm a bit confused about the income tax reduction vs. residence tax reduction. I'm still dealing with last year's furusato donation. Long story short: I did one-stop + employer year-end-adjustment but then I had to file taxes again due to medical costs and capital gains. In this 2nd filing, I forgot to include furusato because I thought I don't have to since I did one-stop (false assumption). So I filed once more with furusato included upon request from my ku.

If I understand correctly, this means I essentially switched from one-stop to regular furusato filing.

I've received the income tax reduction/return part from my ku (let's call it X). Assuming my furusato donations were Y; should I expect Y-X residence tax deduction reduction (via my employer that deducts my residence tax) or the full Y amount?
I filed once more with furusato included upon request from my ku.

Did you file an amended income tax return? Or a residence tax return? Your ward doesn't really have anything to do with your income tax return.

I've received the income tax reduction/return part from my ku

Your ward can't refund excess income tax. An income tax refund can only come from the NTA.

should I expect Y-X residence tax deduction reduction (via my employer that deducts my residence tax)

Assuming you filed an amended income tax return and received a refund of excess income tax from the NTA, and assuming you didn't exceed your donation limit, the remainder of your refund should be subtracted from the residence tax bills (re-)issued to your employer.

You should receive a residence tax summary from your employer clarifying how the refund will be applied to your bills. (It sounds like the bills your employer initially received in May would not have reflected your FN donation refund, in which case your municipality would issue new bills, and a new residence tax summary slip, after they have processed your donations.)
@steamboatpaul Yup. If you want to utilize it for 2022 then you need to “donate” by December 31st 2022. The donation date is the date of the purchase, so if you donate say today (December 27th 2022) then even if the item does not arrive until 2023, it’s still a 2022 donation.

Just Make sure to accurately calculate your allowance.
@mototothemax Hi all, as usual trying to do my furusato at the last possible minute... I have a question regarding dependents. I have three dependents (mother, two siblings). Siblings are 19 and 23 respectively, as of right now. But my brother who is 23 will turn 24 in February next year. Since these are both ages on the border of additional tax exemption, I want to ensure I get this right and do not over-donate. What is the date I need to use when calculating their ages? Is it the date when I make the donations (now), is it when I file the 確定申告, or something else?
@mototothemax I am a little confused, so I am here since oct 2022, besides the timing of it being already 2023, I also wouldn't have been eligible due to not being here for one year. I will probably be leaving around october 2023 (except I manage to get some form of visa), I am currently working as a sole proprietor, so I will pay residence tax on my income this year right? Will I be able to participate in furusato nozei even if I don't stay here until dec 2023?

Also it seems you need a japanese credit card to participate, what's the easiest way to obtain one?

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