@v4victor Yes, you can use a juminhyo that has your MyNumber on it. Though it should be accompanied by some form of photo ID (driver's license, residence card, etc.). See here, for example.
@mototothemax Question: can I use the one-stop system this year if the YETA covers me this year, even if next year I get some miscellaneous income and thus have to do a tax return for next year in March 2023?
@tristatervrepair For your 2021 tax year it’s fine to use one stop if you’re not filing a final tax return (Feb/March 2022).

However, If you do Furusato nozei in 2022 tax year and for whatever reason have to file a final tax return (in your example because you got additional misc income) March 2023, then you need to include your Furusato Nozie purchase on the final tax return.

This is because a final tax return supersedes all other forms of submission. So essentially, one-stop becomes void.
@mototothemax It’s worth noting that for anyone with an exit strategy which involves legally avoiding resident tax (I.e ceasing residency and leaving on or before December 31st (current year)) should avoid Furusato nozei for the tax year they intend to execute their exit strategy.
@rogueebear Furusato nozei done in 2021 reduces your 2021 residence tax bill, which is billed in arrears.

I don't think there is a problem unless you depart Dec 31st and then start doing it for tax year 2022.
@mototothemax Sorry yea that’s what I mean. Some people include the depart on or before December 31st (current year) in their exit strategy.

Essentially they then earn taxable income (current year) resident tax free.

So in that case if you’re forward planning your exit and intend to avoid resident tax then doing Furusato nozei is a bad choice (because you won’t actually owe any resident tax).

(Obviously this is for people who have an exit strategy, not an emergency exit).
@mototothemax Amazon is doing a pretty attractive points campaign if you use Amazon Pay gift cards on the ふるさとチョイス website.

The more money you spend the more money you get in return, about 7% if you spend 110k (including the money you get from a separate Amazon Pay gift card promotion, calculations below the page).

I guess it depends on how many Rakuten SPUs you have and how much you can spend but I think it’s worth it to calculate which one results in a better deal for you. I was going to use Rakuten but I’ll get more money by using Amazon Pay.

Here are the details: https://pay.amazon.co.jp/shop/campaign/furusatochoice202112
@tristatervrepair With Rakuten's kaimono marathons or super sales, you can get 10% points back with that, on top of your SPU. If you pay with Rakuten Card, you can get an extra 2% on days that end in 0 or 5. And regularly there are other campaigns like today there's also +1% for vissel Kobe winning and +1% for shops that are marked 39ショップ if you spend more than 3980 yen in one order. So with just Rakuten Card, Rakuten Bank, and Rakuten Mobile SPU (all of which you can get without spending anything each month), you're looking at something like 15% points back easily. So 7% on Amazon sounds low to me.
@dee436 The Amazon thing is attractive if you don't have everything in Rakuten accounts and don't want to play the bullshit points game (I'm not gonna time my furusato activities to days ending in 5 or something stupid like that)

Up to 8% return on donations above 500k is a pretty good deal, and looks like the only conditions are being a prime member and pre-charging a gift card, that's some extra work but worth it for the cash back.
only conditions are being a prime member

Where did you see that condition? The campaign page lists no such limitation.

Edit: This is the only prime member limit I saw: "クレジットカードでチャージする場合も、キャンペーンにエントリーして0.5%ポイントがもらえます。(プライム会員限定)" Which is only related to the "charger" portion of the points based on my reading.
@subaru17 Yeah what I meant is that you'll need prime to get the maximum cash back available. (The final 0.5%)

So I guess if you work out the math, it's not worth signing up for prime just for this, but I'd kind of assume people have prime anyway... (This sub had a poll about that a while back)
@dee436 Just be aware that these points from special events like Marathon will expire in the end of the month after it was given. I just realized this week i lost over 15,000 points that expired from a marathon event in October....
@dee436 Interesting. I used to have Rakuten Mobile but their coverage in my area was shitty at best so I switched to UQ Mobile after the free year. I’ll have to calculate my points with Bank and Card, it may be worth it in the super sales…

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