@mototothemax This won’t be a common scenario, but still potentially possible….

You can’t donate to the same municipality/prefecture you reside in, but Let’s say you live in prefecture/municipalityX and donate to prefecture/municipalityY in say January current year.

You then move to municipalityY (the same municipality you donated to)?November current year and thus reside in municipalityY January 1st current year+1 (meaning MunicipalityY will be billing you resident tax for current year), can you still get your Furusato Nozie tax deductible applied to your current year resident tax (billed June current year+1)?
@mototothemax Three questions:
  1. I'll be filing a kakuteishinkoku, I assume there's nothing for me to do apart from the 'donation' by the end of year? I.e. I don't need to send anything apart from my kakutei at the end?
  2. My salary is a little confusing as I am also reimbursed in stocks (some vested this year) and my salary last year was all over the place because of switching jobs and unemployment inbetween. Is there any 'decent' method for deciding what values to put in the simulator? I assume since I'm essentially paying my tax for next year, my salary last year is moot, and all that matters is what I earned this year - but where would I account for the stocks that vested?
  3. I also have a single overseas dependent (not on my year end adjustment) but will be on my kakutei shinkoku. I assume that the kakutei I fill out next year is retrospective for 2021 whereas furusato is of course for 2022 tax... how do I deal with this? Does it only make sense to include the dependent in the simulation calculation if I expect them to also be my dependent in 2022?
Thank you!
@ozora Sorry no one got back to you on this before the year ended!

I don't need to send anything apart from my kakutei at the end?

That's right.

my salary last year is moot, and all that matters is what I earned this year

Assuming that "last year" means 2020 and "this year" means 2021, then yes.

where would I account for the stocks that vested?

Stock that you received in exchange for your employment is still "employment income", so you should include the market value of the stock in the number you enter in the "employment income" field of any FN calculator.

I assume that the kakutei I fill out next year is retrospective for 2021 whereas furusato is of course for 2022 tax

FN donations you made during 2021 are credited against your 2021 tax bill (i.e. the tax payable on your 2021 income).

Does it only make sense to include the dependent in the simulation calculation if I expect them to also be my dependent in 2022?

If you are calculating how much you can donate during 2022, then you should only include them if they will be your dependent at the end of 2022. But if they were your dependent at the end of 2021, then you should include them when calculating how much you can donate during 2021.
@mototothemax Hi had asked in 2020 thread but just found this so asking here:
  1. If I’m doing one stop, and bought 6 different items from 2 different Hokkaido municipalities…. Do I sending 2 forms (1 per municipality) or do I send 6 forms (1 per item)?
  2. If I bought fruit that won’t get delivered until June 2022, how do I send my receipt with the form by January 2022? Is there an e-receipt I can print out?
  3. Do I need to inform my employer who does my taxes that I’m doing Furusato nozei?
Thank you in advance!
@kristhuy Ah okay thanks. I used Rakuten Furusato nozei. It looks like all I need to send are a photocopy of my ID and the application form (申請書) for each donation which I can fill out on my own.

I thought I read somewhere I needed to include a receipt slip (which gets shipped with the gift item from the municipality).

Thank you so much for the info! First timer and trying to get it all right.
I thought I read somewhere I needed to include a receipt slip

It used to be necessary to wait for the municipality to send you the one-stop form, but these days the major platforms provide a downloadable version so that there's no need to wait.
  1. You will send the one-stop forms to the 2 municipalities
  2. You should have applied for one-stop at the point of donation, and they will be sending you a one-stop form before the deadline
  3. I don't believe so!
@mototothemax If I buy stuff now but the goods won’t arrive for weeks if not months, am I SOL for filing the required paperwork? I’ll be doing kakutei shinkoku in January but it’s my first time doing furusato nozei

Edit: oops I just re-read the guide above. I guess e-tax means I don’t have to supply anything?
@mototothemax been getting some really annoying "make your own envelope" for one-stop furusato-nozei donations.

Does anyone actually use those guides to make an envelope from a single sheet of paper?
@mototothemax I am graduating university in march and starting full time job here in April. I suppose I dont pay residence tax in my first year, does it mean that I can apply to furusato program in 2023?

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