2015 reddit stock picks - up 8.7% v. S&P 2.3%

@resjudicata Indeed; not so much in favor of voting - get more group think this way. Part of the reason I think that the portfolio hasn't crashed and burned is there's a solid mix of diverse ideas and not simply what everyone wants to buy.
@justm3here Because the iPhone is killing it -vs- the Android phones. Sure, in terms of numbers, Android sells more; but the iPhone's homogenous ecosystem is loved by developers. When a new iOS release comes out, like 90% of the devices are running that within weeks. On the Android, however, not only do you have a multitude of devices (hardware), you also have a bunch of different versions of Android to cope with (kitkat? sandwich? etc. etc.)
@rorypond This year, yeah. Long term? I'd be worried.

Maybe this is the bitterness of a former TSLA holder (bought at 20, sold at 120), but I'm afraid that the steam on the Musk train is going to run out before TSLA becomes a truly self-sufficient major player, and the stock will stop trading at its stratospheric valuation and see a big correction.

I'm also afraid of how much Apple profit comes solely from the money spigot that is the iPhone, and that a relatively small misstep on Apple's part could tank the stock price, even though there is plenty of cash on hand to weather any short term storms.
@resjudicata Ouch. Sorry man. I was following them back in 09 or whenever the Roadster came out and remember thinking I should pick up a few shares. Then Fiskar went down with a similar product, so I was glad I didnt... d'oh.
@rorypond Not a big deal, I'd only just started investing so it was like 30 shares or something, it still felt great to see a 600% return in a few years, though I kicked myself when it went up to $300 after a few more months.
@abowden Possibly. I don't remember the timeline. :) I just remember seeing the Roadster in Popular Science and thinking it was an awesome idea and I should find how to invest. But we all have those stories of the ones that got away.
@rorypond I suppose you could want to invest without knowing there were shares publicly available.

I sure would love to invest in SpaceX right now, but the company literally won't go public until they're making regular trips to Mars. Don't think anyone will be getting a 10-bagger out of the company after that point.
@lpwillia Yeah great idea!.. Someone could buy a stock in a slow moving small sized company and manipulate the stats with alt accounts in favor of that company. That kinda chart would be manipulated capitalized in a day
@lpwillia I don't see how this is different than Momentum trading, except the reddit theory is based on people with no influence in the market...

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