@christian_follower There might be circumstances where it'll be useful. If you somehow made more this year and don't have any cash to make an rsp contribution to get taxable income down, this might be one way. On the other hand, if you can't contribute, it'll just be added to next year's contribution room so maybe you can do it next year. The tricky part is how sure you are that your various gains can beat the interest rate and how long it'll take to pay back.

If there are no fees, no catch, why not just take it and not use it? There isn't much downside to just taking it and letting it sit unused.
@christian_follower Is it a HELOC or a LOC? That rate is good. I haven’t seen anything that low at on a LOC in 10 plus years. If you don’t need it I wouldn’t get it. Like if you were getting a cheap used car or going to school now that would be good. Rather than that it’s pretty useless at this point.
@resjudicata It's not just a question of credit score, it never is, but you should probably shop around. My biggest unsecured LOC and HELOC are at prime (currently 7.2), and I know people with open financing at Prime minus something. I also have one at prime +0.5 but it was an online offer just like OP from Tangerine.
@bryanmartin54 Not at the moment. To be honest. But I'll be going back to school to upgrade my education in about 3 years and that's the only situation where I'll need a big amount upfront.
I guess my question would be, is there any catch if I claim the promo ?
@christian_follower Be careful, a personal LOC can be called at any time. If you stop making income because you’re in school, they may choose to drastically reduce / close the account, at which point it becomes due NOW.

I’d still take it today — if you ever have a CC balance you need to carry for a short bit, 7.7% is better than 19.9%…

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