$2,500 for 6 months


New member
2017 BMW X3

I have an 800 credit score, homeowner, Masters degree, no accidents, no tickets, no DUI.

Is this a nonsense quote for full coverage in California?

$5,000 a year seems crazy for a car that is at best worth $17,000.
@babyboy California is a tough state to find coverage right now. Companies are trying to slow the influx of new customers by imposing waiting periods and giving "go away" prices to those they deem outside of their risk profile. Clearly you don't fit their underwriting model (potentially due to the vehicle type). Continue to shop around.
@babyboy The X series have very high repair costs. The X5 especially.

I would recommend no-collision insurance provided the car is paid off, it will drop your rate likely by 2/3. Most of that $5000 is collision (repairs if involved in an accident).

Just a small fender bender on an X3 will cost many thousands of dollars, the TPMS sensors are expensive, the tires are expensive, body work is expensive.

The car is 7 years old, which is old enough to not cover for collision. If you total the car just buy a new one. The risk of that happening is "less than once in a lifetime". Not often... very very rare.
@atrueblessingeveryday Disagree on dropping collision. Working in insurance, collisions happened all the time. Who wants to be $17k out of pocket. Not to mention many drivers on the road have no insurance, leaving you with the bill even if not at fault.

Plus with collision, the insurance company will help you with the repair process, and will work directly with the shop.
@shenanigans When I asked to add collision for my 2016 BMW 428xi, my insurance company (and I cross shopped / same pricing roughly), wanted to charge me an additional $240 a month - with a $1000 deductable.

Considering I could buy my car (same year make and miles) for roughly $16,000. I really don't see the point of spending $3000 a year. The odds of me totaling my vehicle in the next 3 years, at which point my car will be worth less than $10,000-- is very low.

I've never totaled a car. In 45 years only one minor fender bender $500 damage.

I realize if you work in insurance you see it all the time, but when was the last time you, or a family member or friend, totaled a car.

A report by the car insurance industry estimated in 2022that the average driver will file a claim for a collision about once every 17.9 years.

So I would pay $3000 for 18 years... $54,000 in collision insurance. For a car that isn't worth half that.

Now I know-- you did say "Plus they will help you with the repair process"....

I'm not paying a $54,000 fee over 18 years so IF I even get into an accident they can look up the body shop for me.

Over the course of your lifetime, it found that the average person who got their license at 16, will have a total of 3-4 accidents by the time they turn 75.

25% of accidents are total losses.

60 year of collision insurance... for the odds of 1 total loss and 3 minor collisions that require some repairs.

60 years at today prices moving forward not even taking into account future inflation = $180,000

Collision, is like the insurance they sell when you rent a car from Enterprise.

It's a total rip off, and it's how the insurance industry makes all their profit.

It's unfortunately required for any car you financed and don't own outright.

But 1 accident on average every 18 years at $3000 = $54,000.

No thanks I'll take my chances, keep my money, and if I get hit by lighting, I'll buy a new car and finance if I have to.
@atrueblessingeveryday I understand your point of view, I’m just providing the other side of the argument.

I pay $210 a month for full coverage with a 250 ded for collision, $0 ded for comp, and rental, on a 2022 BMW 230i, and it is well worth the peace of mind.
@babyboy Try Progressive. See what they can do. Auto Insurance is the highest it’s ever been so this isn’t a surprise. Also bundle with another line like home or renters, this should give you a good discount

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