1M Treasury declines to 3.4% today: discussion topic

Treasury.gov is reporting today that 1M Treasuries are down to 3.4%. See heres: https://home.treasury.gov/resource-...yield_curve&field_tdr_date_value_month=202304

With the overnight lending rate (aka: Federal Funds rate) at 4.75%, the 1M Treasury is an exceptionally poor buy. Why would banks be piling into 1M Treasuries to the point where the price has climbed/yields have fallen so low?

The current theory I'm finding across the press is that US Debt Ceiling talks have gotten scarier. I haven't been following the political news too closely however, and would like to start this discussion topic on this subject.

Having such a low 1M Treasury Bill rate is absolute insanity given the current market conditions. Are there any other geopolitical events going on that could explain this incredible abnormality?
@colton18 That is what these government people do they will either do something like this or they will probably change the definition of the recession. This is probably their way to handle the things and I don't think it is good way.

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