@ddubois You do what you have to do. I've had multiple girlfriends years ago and we aren't together today. Imagine if i had made my career choices based off them?, imagine the reverse. Imagine if i pressured my girlfriend to come with me when she has a life already established.?sometimes relationships have to split.
@7349jcgfhs Check out Americorps NCCC! It’s for 19-24 year olds and gives you hoising , food, travel, and an additional living styphon . At the end of the 10 months you also get 6K which can be used for any type of educational payment
@7349jcgfhs Behavioural health and caregiver positions hire people without experience. I don't know if it has changed but you used to be able to be hired as a pharmacy technician and they would train you on the job and pay for you to take the certification test.

Also, your gf's family isn't your responsibility, if they start asking you for money or help.
@7349jcgfhs You’re only 19 you have the rest of your life to be with a girl or to even think about having a house wife and kids with a good vehicle to drive. Join the military for 3 years and tell the recruiter you need out in a month they can make it happen
@mcjudge Takes a while to learn a trade. OP would probably need a minimum of 18 months to train and apprentice. He would also likely need to pay for the training unless he could get a grant. And often students have to buy their own tools. Even if training and tools were 100% covered, he still would need to cover room and board, transportation, and other basic expenses. The $5k he has saved isn’t going to last that long.
@7349jcgfhs Personally, I would join the reserves or national guard for a job that can transfer to the civilian world and request a unit in a college town. I would save all the money I got from basic training and AIT. Then I would go to college for free or work.
@7349jcgfhs not having a car is not an excuse to not work, unless you happen to live some where that isn't within biking or walking distance. Even working a fast food job is better than no job, find a job within walking distance and use it as a spring board for finding a better job.
@gavino Of course they are but if the only other option is homelessness and it might help him, he could just do 4 years then be done, financially better off and a vet
@dutchesseve Because it’s true, Jarhead Jerry. Why do you think high schools in wealthy areas send recruitment opt-out forms home with first-day paperwork, but schools in poor areas don’t? Why do you think the first comment on every post from a young kid in poverty with limited options is “join the military?” My university had to bar the recruiters from setting up in the free food pantry. IN IT. So they could shill at you while you got some peanut butter to survive finals week. The US military is a death machine that eats poor kids.

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