@7349jcgfhs when I was 19 and homeless I went the motorhome route. You're not going to be able to rent w place without income.

The motorhome can give you both a home and transportation but you've still got to insure it. Plus using it for transportation is expensive. Plus you've got to find a place to park it. Camper slots at campgrounds and rv parks are expensive but you may get access to some utility hook up and tank dumping in exchange.

Job corps is the better solution since you put off the immediate need and get career training then after you can secure a motorhome if you still want to go that route.
@7349jcgfhs Hey! I highly recommend job corps, or join the air force or the coast guard. Job corps will not just give you good skills, and will also help you with your first placement. They also provide housing, which will be super important for you, as well as food. Save your $5k as much and as long as possible, you know? But seriously, job corps. My friend/coworker is a teacher at my local one, and he loves it. Your girlfriend, and I think anyone under the age of 26, can go too!

Coast Guard or Air Force. Air Force is considered easier, but Coast Guard has its own benefits, as far as military goes. Uh, Air Force has nicer housing though. Just saying. Also, if you're married going into boot camp, your housing allowance will cover your spouse. It'll be REALLY rough though, on both of you. It takes a VERY specific kind of person to be married to someone in the military. The whole housing won't help your GF right away, but she can go to job corps, pick up something there while you're in camp (or sign up herself!) and go with you from base to base. There is a sign-on bonus, which can help out with money issues and finding a new place to live for both of you/her family. If you're mechanically inclined, I'd push for Air Force, and ask to become a helicopter mechanic. Get your cert, then phase out of the military after 8 or 16 years or whatever, and then be a civvie mechanic for them for 4x the price.

You can also see about applying to work in an oilfield as a roustabout. You'd have to hope they'll pay your way, but they always want someone young to go to these places, and the work sucks. SLB is another place.
@7349jcgfhs If you are on the verge of homelessness, you can call 211 and get connected with a case manager. They can help you navigate housing and employment. It’s easier to prevent homelessness than get off the street.
@7349jcgfhs My partner got an electric scooter because he couldn't afford a car and the bus was unreliable. Maybe that could be an option for your transportation issues? E bikes and E scooters are a lot cheaper to buy and maintain
@7349jcgfhs bro if i was you, look around! you can find a reliable car for like 2500 to 3k, they are out there! get the vehicle get it legal, drive around and find work, even if you have to sleep in your vehicle for a couple months, at least you would have shelter and transportation to and from work.. as far as your gfs family, that ain't your responsibility, just my opinion! good luck bud

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