@mathteacher The overwhelming majority of jobs in the military are not combat-related. When I was in the Air Force, I knew people who folded towels and wiped down gym equipment. I carried a gun every day and we all got paid the same.

Now that said, I still understand having reservations against contributing to the military at all. But if your only reservation is not wanting to die, the chances of it are about as high as they are for you right now.

And to it's credit, it's a great way out of poverty. I knew people who came from much less means than I did, who joined out of necessity. It gave those folks an opportunity to build a very solid financial foundation for themselves.
@cnme363 The American military is evil . The people who enlist predominantly do so out of financial necessity, but it is a brutal institution. Responsible for so many deaths abroad . I’ll never change my opinion on that - again, nothing against the people who enlist, many of them want to do the right thing, but it’s sick that it’s a way out of poverty for so many. It shouldn’t be that way
@mathteacher I agree, nobody should be left with so few options for escaping poverty that they're essentially funneled into military service. I just think that it's essential that people recognize that if you are going to join the military, you need to take them for everything you can because they will do the same thing to you. And it needs to be understood that it is a viable (and vastly superior) option when compared to sleeping on the streets, relying on criminal activity to get by, etc.
@cnme363 Cool, you all still helped murder people in the war on terror most likely.

You're all in a chain. You didn't directly do the killing with your own hands, but you better responsibility for it in some small part.

An unlike Americans who don't have a choice where they're tax dollars went, you willingly signed up to do so. You swore an oath to do so.
@mathteacher Chances of death or serious harm are very low. Lower than in many domestic industries, and certainly lower than just existing in a lot of countries. So more like get free training and a big advantage in life in exchange for a few years of grueling work.

Also weird how as an "empire" we spend tons of money to protect the entire planet's oceans making global trade possible, spend tons on security and humanitarian aid for other countries. From my understanding evil empires conquered and taxed their vassals, not protected the weak at their own peril.

But yeah maybe we could ditch capitalism, put the very competent government in charge of stuff like food and housing, and then simply not allow people to complain about it or report on it. Then the problems would be fixed.
@mathteacher I'm literally in the Middle East now for the military, some of my teammates are heading out in town for drinks, movies, the malls, restaurants. Completely safe. So i don't know what you mean "not for the people in the middle east" . it is safer to walk at night anywhere than majority of places in the US. No risk of petty crimes or rapes or murders. Meanwhile you can die working at any job in the US. Hell there was just a recent shooting at a parade. But shootings also happen in restaurants, malls hospitals.
None of that happens here. The only guy's seeing any action are special ops guys. Obviously you don't have to choose special ops when joining the military.
@bossray Ah yea, so instead you should be hungry and homeless.

What a fucking take.

I dislike the military industrial complex as much as the next person, but suggesting someone not take an surefire out of homelessness because you dislike the military is ridiculous.
@2417301 I hate this shit, most Americans work for a corporation "feeding the system " like mcdonalds. Yet no one talks shit on mcdonald workers. Military is a entry level jobs program. If you need a kickstart in life. Military is the way. Or jobs corps

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