@7349jcgfhs Don’t get a motorhome. There is no parking for those. You will spend more on gas trying to find parking and possibly impound fees.

You need to research public transportation options.
@jdh1015 Very true. Better advice would be to avoid purchasing a vehicle with OPs nest egg because of associated costs of vehicle ownership. Bus or bike if you can. Maybe sell your car for a cheap motorcycle.
@jdh1015 You're right about this as when I moved to Texas I wound up living in an area with not a good public transportation system. As I came from California, from an area where public transportation was almost 24/7, I just thought it was going to be similar out here in Texas. It sounds strange that I moved out here without thinking of that, but I had someone that was putting me in danger in California and had to leave immediately.
@7349jcgfhs 1) Work from home jobs

2) Get into a trade/apprenticeship, they are used to people not being able to drive in my experience lol

3) Do lawns, shovel snow, clean gutters etc. in your neighborhood

4) If you are good with car stuff have people come to you to change oil, brake pads, rotors, etc.

5) Plasma

6) Create content (unlikely to pay immediately but an option)

7) Military

Also getting a new car is about the worst purchase you could make especially as a poor person. People cheat themselves when they say "reliable" and mean "brand new." My 20 year old Toyota is plenty reliable.
@annamoon720 Number two is huge!!!! If you have any small construction companies in your area- fencing, roofing, they usually dispatch from their headquarters in town. My company (while we wouldn't advertise this) would TOTALLY come pick you up and take you home if you had a good attitude, work ethic and excited to learn.
@annamoon720 I was disqualified for a union apprenticeship in technical engineering because I didn't/don't have a driver's license. I have a valid state ID and I was 1 of 3 people chosen for the apprenticeship based on my test scores out of the 25-30 others who took the exam alongside me. :(
@7349jcgfhs Hey social worker here! I second job corp or any other training program. Being under 24 lets you still have access to ALOT of youth programs. Maybe look into a trade training program if you figure out housing.
@7349jcgfhs Look at a tipped out job. You’ll take home cash daily. Just be cautious of the ebbs and flows of a tipped job and know you don’t make the same on a Tuesday morning as you do on a Saturday night.

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