18(M) Stressed about future


New member
I’m currently in my second semester of my freshmen year of college and I feel behind compared to the people around me. I have a son due in in early June and I’m struggling to see the other side. I’ve been blessed to have my mother pay for my 4 years completely so I know I won’t ever have to worry about student loans. Even with the no debt I don’t see myself loving the next 3 years of college where I’m currently in the business administration with no focus(Finance, Bussiness analysis, accounting, etc) My plan B if I were to drop out would to go to trade school and become and electrician apprentice. I understand it’s hard work but the 100K ceiling comes quicker than the traditional pathways out of college even though they max out much higher. I’m wondering if my stress is relatable and reasonable and I want to know if anyone else made it to the light side of the tunnel despite feeling lost at one point. Thank you.
@3kidsnadog I'm not sure anyone can tell you that you will enjoy being an electrician over working in business. The business degree will generally provide more flexibility with what you can do post graduation, and office work tends to be less risky. Most people can also do office work for longer. I do know some friends of mine can't sit at a desk...so that's a consideration.

Is the mother of your child going to be working? Do you live together?

I think it's normal for 18-year-olds to not exactly have life totally figured out. I wasn't 100% sure of what I wanted to do with my life at that point.
@chonstance The mother of my child is taking a year off before going to college the next fall semester. We don’t live together and are actually on a no talking basis right now and for next month or two.
@3kidsnadog Your stress is relatable and reasonable. Finish your schooling now. The older you get the harder it is to go back. Also, having someone pay for it is a wonderful gift. Make use of it. Im 36 and I might be making a career change out of a trade in the years to come.

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