16/M. I am in deep crap, $3k to less than $400 from April to September 2022 due to spending habits since quit job at McD's. Please, HELP!

@foundlostsoul stop using your credit card and spend cash, get a job, and be responsible, the younger generation always thinks they know better than the previous until they become the previous generation
@foundlostsoul You should look at the military reserve. 2k scholarship for 4 years, making about $17/hour to start ($51/3 hours on Thursday nights then it's $50 for half day (less than 6 hours) $100 for a full day (more then 6 hours) you get first aid whmis and a bunch if safety courses and typically have a transferable trade skill. You also get garenteed summer work for 4 months straight between university/school and if you're like me and don't get a job right away out if school there's short term contracts to fill the gap.

During covid I got laid off from my full time job, instantly had a full time contract with thr military for 3 months. I loved it cause it was WFH and I had a new baby.
@foundlostsoul If I could go back to high school (in college now and also in mtl) I would work as much as I can. You don’t need crazy grades to get into college just at least 75 in everything and you are fine if you wanna work. Basically what I’m saying is if I could go back, I’d work as much as I could. I worked at some high end restos as busboy and with tip was making around 20+$/h. Only downside to this is I would end at like 2:30 in the morning sometimes and feel dead the next day. Everything comes with a cost. :)
@lyrajane1229 I completely disagree with this. School is your job right now. Put the time into studying. Good grades can get you scholarships, etc. If you feel like you need some cash of your own, get a job, but no more than 10 hours a week.
@lyrajane1229 You are only 16 once. Enjoy it. You have your entire life to work and earn. Unless your family is in a hardship and you need to work to survive, the kid should just be the kid for now.

The fact he did this now and is disgusted by it is actually a good thing. Chances are he'll remember this at some point in the future and make the better decision when faced with a financial conundrum.
@foundlostsoul Even if you wasted time and money seeing an accountant you would still have at best $400, so your only option is to get a job and maybe put your money into something you can't access like GIC.
@foundlostsoul Focus this energy on learning a marketable skill to the point that you are a world class expert at that skill.

If you manage that, 3k will be pocket change. Even if you fail you will win as you'll end up at least good enough to earn a solid living, and long forget your worries about this.

You saved 3k at 16. You are far ahead of the game. Keep your eye on the ball (a little), but also enjoy the ride. Spending 3k will have zero effect on your life unless you let anxiety over it consume your life.

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