10k monthly house for 4+ years. No savings. Safe ba or no?

@gmarie Sobrang need ko po itong sinabi niyo with the EF. ‘Di ako nagkamaling magpost dito haha. Maraming salamat po!! I’ll make sure to add in more cash flow, just need lang talagang makapag-adjust muna with everything
@karinag Yeah I understand your confusion kasi even ako kahit ito sagot ko pag ako nasa sitwasyon mo I will still ask. Swerte mo buy. Congrats and good luck! Kaya mo yan supportive naman yata Mom mo eh.
@karinag May safety blanket ka if ever(mother mo) and kung mejo nalalakihan ka sa 10k per month, try to negotiate with her. Maybe 6k every month for the first 2years and reassess after that depende sa raise and other needs mo. Sayang din kasi 500k for a 40sqm house and lot is almost impossible to find and with no interest pa. Just make sure all docs are in order. Pwede mo rin i-parent para kahit papano mabawas sa monthly mo.
@karinag kahit d mo na tirhan in the future good opportunity yon, interest free sya tapos mura lang. kung maganda location i would go for it din. might as well have it rented kung ayaw ko pa bumukod for extra income
@karinag Get all the opportunity na meron ka. If i have that plus my moms help, ill go for it. Next goal- palakihin ang income so i can pay for it. I mean 500K is peanuts na lang pag oks na ang monthly income
@karinag Grab it na but also be careful. Knowing malapit sa Villar baka mamaya sumakit ulo mo kasi tatamaan siya ng expansion. 🥲 Baka lang naman. We have 1 lot near dyan na nagkanda letse letse dahil tatamaan daw ng project. I swear it’s a nightmare.
@karinag Kunin mo na. Mura na 500k tapos wala pa interes yung utang mo sa nanay mo. Kung mahal ka talaga ng nanay pa stretch mo pa yung years to pay kung hanggang saan sila kumportable para di ka masagad. Or pakilala mo ko sa nanay mo, sa akin na lang hahaha
@karinag if it was a bank. No.

if its your mom. yes.

you will be illiquid in the next few years. but you will not face the harsh reality of life. if you fuck up, mums the word.

Its low risk, high returns thing.

If it was me i'd do it. because Im on my mortgage without any help, and I can't quit on life till its done.

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