10k monthly house for 4+ years. No savings. Safe ba or no?

@karinag No brainer. Buy the house. If in case you'll get into an emergency, you can return home to mama temporarily and she will understand if you also postpone payments
@pj76 +1 sa rent. If you play your cards right, baka ma cover mo na yung 10k/mo's, sobra pa. Rent or lease kung trusted mo yung uupa. At least stable kahit papaano ang lease.
@karinag Seems fine. It might be a bit extra, but in case you're not going to stay in it, put it up for rent and use that to pay your parents.

Should you take the deal, make sure all paperwork is in order.
@dcbroome I agreed with making sure the paperwork is in order. Check mo OP kung baka may mga kamag-anak ung seller na naghahabol or something along those lines. Pero kung ibibigay agad sa inyo ung title at meron agad deed of sale then go for it. Basta dapat kaliwaan lahat ng transaction and make sure to write receiving copies of all documents na pipirmahan ng both parties na nagpapatunay na naibenta at nabayaran na ng buo ung property. Just cover all the bases when it comes to the legal documents.
@karinag One other thing I forgot to mention is that I don't know what paperwork looks like nor can I comment on how you can ensure that it's complete and legitimate.

I only hope that you're not scammed in any way possible. Good luck!
@karinag You'll always get a chance to build an EF but that opportunity is very rare and golden. Dont let yourself regret it few years after. Pag nakuha mo na yan just make sure you try to add in more cash flow para mapagsabay mo sya sa EF. Just take it. You can figure out the rest later.

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