100k into s&p 500

@the_family_monastery Firstly, don't waste your time with cheap brokerage, you are paying above normal rates.

Try using an investment bank or bank platform.

You pay higher fees but have greater options.

Moreover, if you want to roll over profits into a house in 5 years time, why even bother holding it in a risk asset?

Just put on term deposits at 5 or 6%......

Also, consider your currency risk. The NZD is basically at multi year lows, so there is a possibility that your returns will be gobbled up by currency exchange losses
@the_family_monastery As others have pointed out your timeframe is very low. Its going to be more of a gamble than an investment. Given that I would go for a hedged fund because you will also face significant exchange rate risk on that timeline, a hedged fund will eliminate that at next to no cost. I would also go for a PIE fund. The Kernel S&P500 is a good fit.
@the_family_monastery Mate look at betashares, superhero, Vanguard Australia and Raiz. I reckon they're all better. Currently I'm buying IVV on betashares, costs nothing, every week. With your 100k I wouldn't put it all at once either, do 2k a week mate, dollar cost averaging

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