@glowny Depends, majority of the time i will be driving to the office, but there are days that riding MRT is easier if the client is within public commuting distance.

The apartment i plan to buy is near an exit to Kajang Silk but since its infront of a few schools it's still going to be jam regardless i figure.
@fonfukajoe It would likely depends on the time you go to work, if it’s after 730am when school started, the jam won’t be so bad I think but yes, with the two schools and one university college on the same street (not sure if the church kindergarten still operates) and then also a popular stop for Nottingham university school pick up, it can be quite jam. But I think if you stay at Nexus, you probably will avoid the schools zone to turn to the Silk exit so should be quite okay. But from there, it would be typical morning rush jam 😅
@fonfukajoe Do you own any residential property? If no then maybe apply for rumah relangorku?

1000 sq is very livable for 4 people. Go and see the showroom if you don't understand what 1000 sq is.
@ineedadvice101 Not yet own any property, yeah i was told to look into rumah selangorku. Thanks for the suggestion.

Yeah it looked livable so to me at the show room too. But after having further discussion with peers/family they said it's too small for us.

Having no experience living in an apartment made me start doubting my decision

Thanks for the input
@fonfukajoe Dont rely on external opinions too much, at the end of the day you’re the one thats going to be living there. Some people are fine driving in an axia while some need to drive in a merc. Since your kids are still relatively small and you do have plans for them to go for boarding school in the future I think 1000sq should be fine. If you could afford a landed property but feel financially burdened for the next 30+ years whats the point?
@fonfukajoe I do want suggest u at least check out some existing build up for if u going for rumawip/Selangor ku units tho.

I know looking at others government housing project is unfair sometimes. There is good and there is some very very bad. But u still gonna expact a bit on what u get

I found lots of rumawip general cleanness not as good. It's like the people there don't care about their immediate surroundings (hall ways, facilities, etc) at all.

Obviously the quality control is not as good. Lots of what I seen have piping issue here, tiles not aligned properly, finishing not tidy etc etc. But it's things u can fix easily so don't worry too much about it. Look basically. U get what u paid for ok?

Also these units always have lots of car park outside of the condo thus blocking the road into the condo. Coz usually these projects only give limited total carparking slots and it WILL run out fast.

Again I am not talk shit about gov project, if u can lived with it then by all means go for it. It's the cheapest housing u could feasibly get in Klang valley
@fonfukajoe Honestly; go test it out. Rent an airbnb apartment of a similar size for a weekend or longer and see how it feels.

We've migrated; but have always been living in apartments of around 1k sq. feet; even after the kids were born. The only thing which we made sure is that each kid has their own room so that they can grow with it. You'll need to consider that in the layout of the apartment.

Also, 1k sq. feet poorly utilized is also another story; make sure that the apartment you're choosing has minimal wasted space.

Lastly, property in Malaysia has mostly stagnated. The last time prices have gone up was almost 10 years ago. And with the glut in properties everywhere, I don't see this trend reversing. Which means, don't rush your decision.
Sorry for the long post.. Ive been living with my wife parents for long enough (about 5+ years) and feel like its time to move out (as i seldom get into disagreement with them due to different lifestyle approaches that its become mentally tiring) but im having so many dilemma on how to proceed. Any advise is appreciated. Thank you

You do mean often right?
@vavi Haha "seldom" as in "often enough than i want to publicly admit".

I do feel very thankful for them and appreciate their hospitality but I feel like this hospitality is straining our relationship as a family due to these unnecessary disagreements which should not happen if we were to live separately.
@fonfukajoe The situation is quite similar to mine. I am married but no children and renting in Kajang while working in Ampang. I cannot say which choice is better because there are too many factors to consider like the type of house, rent or purchase, etc.

You most probably need to have a talk with your wife as it is a family decision. Try telling her your plan and what she thinks about it. Take into account things like where are you going to live after 8+ years, what will you be doing then, if buy apartment then will you rent and give to children when they are married etc.

By any chance, is the apartment that was mentioned nearby Kajang 2? Like close to Zamrud, Canopy and Mutiara residences? Just saw the comment on Nexus.
@molvera72 Yeah, we've been talking about this almost daily. Felt like making this thread today just to get perspective from outside before we decide.

Yeah its Nexus @ Kajang, project planned to be completed around April 2024

Thanks for the input
@fonfukajoe Ah so it’s not a built unit yet. Would you have the patience to wait for it to be ready and then choose your unit based on actual unit? Can be either unsold units or secondary sale.
@danluc Yep still under development.. the agent said should be ready around april next year.. I'm willing to wait as my 1st child will only start school 2 years from now anyway.

Seems like i have already selected a unit based on the booking done. Tho, I've yet to accept the loan as I'm having 2nd thoughts due to the unit space dilemma..
@onlybyfaith Yeah i figured too initially.. But all the new projects seem to be quite far from a primary school. I will admit I'm probably not searching enough.

Thanks for the input

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