納税証明書 for SoR renewal with delayed pension application


New member
I know this is a frequently asked thing around here but I'm trying to help a friend figure out what tax related documents(and from where) does he need to get for his SoR extension since he had no luck asking this to city office through the phone.

The important events are:

May 2022 - came to Japan as a language student

April 2023 - changed from student to work SoR

May 2023 - moved from Nagoya to Tokyo

Jun 2023 - started working

Nov 2023 - applied for pension (he thought he already had done that during 2022 but was mistaken)

Feb 2024 - applied for SoR renewal and got the "please bring additional tax payment documentation" notice

@hark But will they know what documents are available? Technically he started paying taxes last September so there aren't any documents when he was a student or living in the previous address.
@hark Immigration don’t usually need income tax related documents (apart from PR application where they need 源泉所得税及び復興特別所得税、申告所得税及び復興特別所得税、消費税及び地方消費税、相続税、贈与税に係る納税証明書(その3))

So these are likely the resident tax certificates immigration requires from OP (or OP’s friend… or whoever… let’s just say personX). So these would be issued by the municipality office (or conbini with MyNumber card) not the NTA tax office.

But if personX only stated working June 2023, then no resident tax yet (billing won’t start until June 2024). So it sounds like you’re correct in another comment about getting a certificate of no resident tax, but that would come from the municipality office.

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