I'm currently renting/cohabitating. The electric bill is included in the rent and the rent is covered by HAP so housing/electric comes to roughly €280 per month. The rental we're in has occasional issues but financially I think it's been good for us.

There's uncertainty about my future living situation (relationship as well as where people will be living), I estimate that at minimum I'd probably make €240p/w, I'm curious what others think as to to how screwed I'd be if I'm fending for myself?
I'd have to live between Cork city and west Cork due to schooling obligations.
Possiblity to have a property bought outright but would need to afford maintenance, energy bills and potentially a motorvehicle.
I'm sure there's potentially other costs I'm forgetting but interested in hearing people's opinions.

There's a potential property to inherit, the possibility of selling it in order to buy a more suitably located is also being considered.
@matthiasva My bad, I forgot to mention why that was an option so I just updated the main post.

Essentially it may be possible to inherit a property or have it sold in order to pay for a different property that would be closer to where I live currently.
@walt74 Welcome to Ireland. People who actually work and contribute to society get shafted in order to support those who are net drains on the system.
@apriln You are completely right about working people getting shafted, it's a joke, but that said you can apply for HAP if you work.
@walt74 They can apply for HAP too, that's what it's there for.

And wouldn't him inheriting a house get him off HAP anyway?

Would you rather he stayed renting or on HAP? Honestly not sure what you're sickened about
@dichthuata2zhanoi5 I would guess it's the fact you are asking for advice and already getting what would appear a free spin through life (pretty much)

Unless you have some sort of unmentioned disability, then you are going to get a lot of hate on here. This sub is mostly made up of people who want to get the most out of their own hard earned money, so seeing a reminder of someone making use out of some of that tax they pay, then its gonna stir the pot a bit.

Probably a few on here who will still feel obliged to help no matter but for the most part I think you'll just get hate.
@dichthuata2zhanoi5 That's slightly more per week than the full social welfare rate, so there's people managing it. Depending on your other non-negotiable expenses (like transport) it should be doable but you'll not have anything set aside for savings even if you're very frugal and you'd be very very vulnerable to sudden unexpected expenses.

EDIT: I'm as confused as anyone about "possibility to buy a property outright", unless it's a corrugated shed in an empty field, that amount of cash savings would surely make ineligible for hap?
@scarneal I just updated the post as the why an owned property is potentially an option. :)

It's been brought to my attention that if I continue to live in the sticks and dependant on a car to get around I may not be able to afford it.
@dichthuata2zhanoi5 Sure, but that seems to depend on 1. both your parents dying pretty soon and 2. the tax situation being favourable to you. It's very possible for the property to be worth enough to have a big tax bill attached, but not worth enough that the sale of the property covers the tax bill and leaves you enough to buy another property as inheritance taxes in this country are quite punitive once you get into significant amounts.
@scarneal One of my parents suggested potentially inheriting in the next year or so (hopefully long before their passing obviously) rather than waiting until their actual passing.

Inheritance tax being one of the reasons for sooner rather than later.

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