
  1. A

    [CALIFORNIA] Extension finally updated this morning!

    My claim ended on 12/19 but I held off from certifying until 1/11. I was recommended to hold off as long as I can so I would get the extension updated but that didn't end up working. My claim has been at 0 since I finally certified and it's said maximum benefits paid until today. I didn't have...
  2. G

    [COLORADO] Info About Re-opening your PUA PEUC Claim on 2/1

    From the email I just received: To begin the process of reopening your existing PUA or PEUC claim, please follow these steps: Log into your MyUI+ account. If you have not logged into MyUI+ before, there are how-to videos on our website. Apply for regular UI benefits. Click “Apply for...
  3. P

    [Pennsylvania] I’m v confused-3 Open Claims?!

    I signed up fo PUA in early June. I put I was a gig worker at task rabbit because PUA said a job like Uber is gig working so I chose gig working bc task rabbit is like Uber but for jobs so that’s what I chose. Task rabbit doesn’t have a EIN number so I put all the info I could about task rabbit...
  4. A

    [VIRGINIA] Contact Info About Info

    Hey! Does anyone have any contact info for someone I can ask about the status of a pin number? Or able to change it? They randomly stopped allowing people to claim without it but not giving anyone an estimate on when the mail would arrive. I’m really frustrated because i’m feeling stuck. Any...
  5. D

    [California] how are people with 0 balances who’s claims haven’t expired yet supposed to refile?

    Someone please explain cause it doesn’t seem to make sense to me. I’m being told everyone has to refile but It’s literally impossible for me.
  6. R

    [CALIFORNIA] Certified 1.5 Weeks Ago, Still Haven’t Received Payment

    Is it unusual that I haven’t received my biweekly payment thus far? I certified for benefits on Sunday, April 19 and it is still stuck on pending for those two weeks that I provided certification, as of Wednesday, April 29. After applying for UI in mid-March, I received two payments consisting...
  7. N

    [Colorado] Phase 2 Official Announcement Email from CDLE

    I received this email last night
  8. D

    [California] 300 start date September 13th

    Friend sent me this https://ibb.co/bBQhPnZ
  9. J

    [New York] What’s the difference between No and N/A when weekly certifying?

    What’s the difference between No and N/A when answering for one of the questions when weekly certifying? Same thing? Question below How many days did you work, including self-employment , during the week ending 6/7/2020 No Excluding earnings from self-employment, did you earn more than $504...
  10. B

    [CALIFORNIA] I dialed 5616 n pushed in 1,3,4 it worked

    I've been calling for weeks now n NO luck at all n the other day I waited passed 4 hours and nothing. I called the main number which end 5616 n then I pushed in 1 then 3 n then 4 I'm now waitinghopefullyI get to talk to Tier 2. Everyone don't give up I'm frustrated myself n I sure do feel like...
  11. P

    [Massachusetts] No unemployment payment for almost three weeks

    I work a union job. I was laid off on Wednesday 9/27 and applied for unemployment the next day, and submitted my request Sunday. I received $300. The next Sunday I submitted again and received nothing. I assumed that was my week of wait. On the third Sunday I submitted again and it’s now Tuesday...
  12. I

    [New York] pandemic unemployment question- help please!

    I was a substitute teacher for a small (1 class per grade) k-8 school before Covid hit. At the suggestion of my neighbor I filed for Pandemic unemployment last week. I got the email from NYS Dept of Labor that my claim was accepted and I’ll be getting info in the mail. I’m concerned that i...
  13. J

    [california] PHASE 2 people - lets chill out on the posting of questions about payment (just for today) - just a suggestion

    I know I know we all want to know when we will see the payment or at the very least a change in our claim history, but as of right now the only info about phase 2 is that on the 15th self certification for Covid would begin. Tomorrow there should be an EDD press release , in which typically they...
  14. S

    [Colorado] Master list of phone numbers, contact information and other online resources

  15. W

    [New York] Approved for PUA, now says I Never finished my Claim HELP!

    I was called by NYS Unemployment TWICE. And was approved of my Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. Was instructed to go on the website and claim my benefits weekly. A B S O L U T E L Y not a single Option to claim for my benefits since April 14th. Now for the past few days the system tells me that...
  16. G

    [OTHER] So, I can’t find a job and I’m desperate - let’s get creative.

    I have tried for months to get a job and I have tried to stay positive but I am losing hope. Nothing works out. I get peanuts from UI and don’t qualify for the extra $300 - my state has run out of that money anyways. And I have lost ALL HOPE that they will come up with some bill for relief. My...
  17. B

    [Virginia] w/e 1/9/21

    I was able to file for w/e 1/2 on Friday night on Gov2go. When I logged in this morning to file for w/e 1/9 there is no option to file for weekly benefits. Has anyone been able to file for this past weeks benefits on Gov2go?
  18. E

    [Pennsylvania] Unresolved Issue: Hours Missed

    Anyone else get this on their PUA?? I just came back to work at reduced hours and reported exactly what I made. Am I still going to get paid? This is what I see on my claim summary
  19. P

    [Indiana] Question about appeals process/timetable

    I was approved for unemployment in May but got the "non-payment due to unresolved issues" for the first few weeks. On 7/13 I got a determination that those weeks wouldn't be paid b/c of vacation and severance. I appealed via email on 7/20 because based on my calculations there's two weeks I...
  20. J

    [MICHIGAN] Anybody else still pending adjudication for employment verification PUA?

    I sent in my w-2’s for 2019, messages showing clients that paid for my services(I’m a freelance makeup artist and get paid cash). I just sent in schedule c for 2020 taxes and screenshots of advertisement on social media for my services (I didn’t see approved documentation until after I...