
  1. K

    [Michigan] Y’all. For the love of everything good in the world - W T F AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!? (Stop Payment Indicator, etc.)

    I certified on Monday, and like so many others noticed on Tues/Wed that there was a Stop Payment Indicator message in my certifications tab. Eventually received the email about fraud/uploading documents, etc.—you know the story. I’ve been calling over and over and over every hour that their...
  2. J

    [Arkansas] PUA account locked, is this normal S.O.P.?

    Just became available to certify for past 5 weeks, certified, submitted ID thru the email request, trying to log in today and I get this account locked message then I see this advisement about locked accounts. So I'm assuming all is well and it's just the normal process of whatever they're doing...
  3. D

    [CALIFORNIA] it’s Sunday, has anyone gotten their pending statuses changed to paid yet?

    I’m one of the lucky ones to be selected for fraud, my ID.me was verified on 1/19, I have 8 WEEKS on pending, and yes I called several reps to have it changed but they all tell me the same bs to wait a week for updates.. I even used the contact us button to send a Q to them by email but nothing...
  4. S

    [NEW YORK] I need help. I might lose my job if I refuse to do this and I need to know if I’d qualify

    So I stated working for a small business/landlord about a month ago. Title was office assistant. My job outline was mostly filing, copying, answering phone calls, “completing other administrative tasks”. Now I’m full on property management. Showing off houses, keeping track of insurance and...
  5. D

    [California] Unemployment update. Emailed state senator

    Hey guys wanted to update for anyone on similar boat. Long story short waited 2 months to get nothing from EDD, tried calling like all of you but no luck. Claim has been at $0 for 2-3 months. Finally decided to send an email to my state senators office on Saturday (6.6.20). They got back to me...
  6. H

    [New York] partial unemployment now based on HOURS worked, instead of the full day system

    Check your email for the notification from the Department of Labor.
  7. M

    [Georgia] Approved for x and getting y

    Long story short, my UI was approved for the full term at the state's max weekly pay and has been paid that way for a few weeks with no issues. Randomly last week I got a deposit for $124. This week, I got the same. After looking online at the DOL site, i'm still approved for the max for several...
  8. B

    [Pennsylvania] 402(b) Appeal Success

    I successfully appealed a 402(b) ruling. This section of PA UC law states you must have a good enough reason - “of a necessitous and compelling nature” - to voluntarily quit your job. I experienced burnout from working 12-16 hour days regularly. I quit in March 2023 and assumed that I would...
  9. M

    [California] My unemployment balance finally hit $0. Does anyone know what will happen now? Fed-ed extension, BYE 3/15

    I reapplied after 3/15 and got the usual denial claim. Called in because my payments up to 4/10 were pending and they released the payments. Ever since then, no issues were with my account. But now, finally my balance hit $0. Does anyone know what will happen with my account now? Anyone in a...
  10. M

    [California] Help! Worked a one-time gig a few weeks ago, but haven’t received my W2. I don’t know how to certify w/o it, but need to!

    Hey guys, I worked a one time gig for a traveling company a few weeks ago. I haven’t been paid yet and haven’t received my W-4 so I don’t know the exact specifics (company’s address, exact gross wage, etc). I’ve been holding off on certifying because I don’t want to input something incorrectly...
  11. Y

    [Colorado] Wrong 1099g and S.A.V.E. Pending issues

    Finally had my callback. They told me I needed to submit a photo of the back of my Perm res card. I have faxed them. I have mailed them. The upload only allows 1 photo at a time and there are no instructions. Guy stayed on the phone and confirmed he received my photos. Said by this past...
  12. H

    [California] How do I report my hourly if I make tips?

    Hello, I am in the process of doing UI after getting let go from my job at this nightclub. I was encouraged by my HR to file for one as her offboarding email gave me a booklet about the process. However, since I work at a nightclub, I get tips on top of my 15 dollar hourly. I live in California...
  13. C

    [COLORADO] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years

    Hey all, Woke up this morning to an email from CDLE saying that I’ve received a notification of non-monetary determination, and that I am subsequently ineligible. However, I have not received benefits for more than 3.5 years. When I log in to the Unemployment Portal to view the determination...
  14. K

    [California] SO if u r.single and receive.edd , u need pay some money for.last.year tax right?

    I saw people receive edd and still get refund after filling the.tax, that is because they r married and have kids right? Im single and i need pay 628 dollar for.tax is normal right?
  15. J

    [NEW YORK] Some information about NYDOL and the Proof of Employment letters

    I know it is scary and confusing to get a letter that essentially threatens you about having to pay back a LOT of money. But don't freak out! For the large majority of people, this is easily handled without any issue. Q. Why do I have to send this info? A. It is a federal requirement enacted...
  16. G

    [MICHIGAN] getting in contact

    UPDATED CONTACT METHODS 📧 E M A I L ( response time will vary) ‼️ the earlier you can email; the better! CLEAR SUBJECT LINES = BETTER CHANCE OF RESPONSE ‼️ 📥 find your state rep by putting in your address here: https://www.house.mi.gov/mhrpublic/frmFindaRep.aspx 📍civilUSN@michigan.gov 📍...
  17. L

    [Colorado] Being told if I request now I shut my claim down, but was told I had to or I’ll have a delay in payments?

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: CDLE has clarified that e-mail was for regular UI claimants. It seems that the site has been updated to not send out that warning anymore, I was just able to submit without reaching the “shut down your claim” page showing up. Please visit...
  18. U

    [Georgia] 1st tangible PoC for claim filed 3/20

    Filed on 3/20. Been claiming every week. Haven’t seen a dime and still pending eligibility. Yesterday 4:40 I received a call from a (404) number out of Atlanta and it was the GA DOL. Itbis the first actual point of contact and interaction I have had with them after diligently trying to reach...
  19. J

    [Virginia] Anyone else receive this for PUA today 9/26/20?

    Has anyone else gotten this, and will that affect the $300 coming from the executive order? Your Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) weekly benefit amount has been established at the base amount of $158.00 per week. This base PUA benefit has been established by law which requires it to be...
  20. P

    [New York] Filed for UI on 4/13, I’m supposed to get partial UI, 1 effective day a week, but on my 3rd “Waiting Week”? Confused

    Was working 5 days a week FT, went down to 3 days a week because of Covid-19, filed for partial UI, in my account it says I’m valid for 1 effective day (don’t know why since I lost 2 days of work) but, I am now on my “3rd waiting week”, when I see its supposed to be 1 waiting week before...