
  1. J

    [vIrGiNiA] 🥴🥴🥴 missing week sixteen listen up

    I emailed The VEC and got this in response please note these is not my words, just relaying a message. Probably wont ever post here again im just bringing the accurate information to light instead of you all just wondering wtf is up. Greetings, If you are contacting the Gov2Go website and...
  2. A

    [Pennsylvania] When did the extra $300 start in PA and why am I still missing a payment from 1/2-1/9?

    I have received payments since 1/2-1/9 but I heard that other people were also getting the $300 extra by this time. I have no idea when the $300 extra started in PA because I haven't received it. I know some have and others have not, so will this be back paid? You can't find any information on...
  3. S

    [ALL STATES] If you're a part-time W-2 worker whose only reduction in income came from gig side-work, how do you qualify for UI?

    Hi! I haven't seen that question directly answered before as a federal-level q. I have a friend with a W-2 part-time job, who was teaching music lessons on the side. • Money dropped off on the gig side. • Their W-2 part-time job hours never changed. If it helps, it will eventually be...
  4. D

    [Wisconsin] unemployment pandemic tax credit question

    During the pandemic, I luckily, was only on unemployment for 6 weeks after being furloughed. I collected roughly $5800. While collecting, I did not tax out any federal or state taxes (dumb, I know.. but besides the point.) My question is when I filed my taxes prior to the newest bill being...
  5. F

    [Louisiana] Just received 90-Day PoE Notice threatening overpayment, but I've already won my overpayment appeals...?

    Yesterday in my email I received a 90-Day Proof of Employment Notice (informing me that I have 90 days to provide proof of employment for the time before I applied for unemployment benefits). It says failure to provide proof of employment for this time period may result in the money I had...
  6. M

    [Illinois] Anyone get their 1099-G yet?

    UPDATE It is 1/29 and I have received the email from IDES with my 1099-G. Thanks to all who rode the wave of waiting with me and really really best of luck through this pandemic rollercoaster* So, on 1/3 I got an email from IDES confirming my email address to electronically receive my 1099-G...
  7. H

    [Illinois] Will I have to return my benefits?

    Long story and not sure how much details will be needed. I worked for a Contract Company X working at Fortune 500 Company C doing electronics testing (Job A). It was on site job, you had to use the ovens and freezers to endurance cycle test the telecom components. There were 3 on our team, a...
  8. J


    I was on PEUC which ran out on 3/28. Couldn’t certify up until today, but only because I reapplied as per EDD’s instructions. In a nutshell... On 4/19 I reached my BYE so I reapplied for UI benefits like the EDD suggests. I signed in today and saw I was able to certify for the previous 3 weeks...
  9. A

    [CALIFORNIA] Claim Balance 0 & Max Benefits Paid

    I’m on hold with EDD rn & am going to ask about my account having a $0 balance & what is going on with the second PEUC extension. If anyone is in a similar situation. I’ll post what they tell me (: UPDATE: I just got off the phone with them...no great news :( She told me it is automatic & that...
  10. S

    [Missouri] LWA Update 8/24

    e-mail I just received: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 24, 2020FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: [Communications2@labor.mo.gov](mailto:Communications2@labor.mo.gov) 📷 Missouri to Release Lost Wages Assistance Benefits to Unemployed Workers Jefferson City, MO –– The Missouri Department of Labor...
  11. N

    [New York] Can someone help? V worried

    I filed for unemployment like two weeks ago and certified each week, I finally got around to getting myself verified with ID.me today (don’t ask why it took me this long). My first question is how long will it take to know if I am eligible and how much I get? Second question is will I be paid...
  12. D

    EDD CA -How are you getting ahold of anyone live on the phone?

    I have been calling for 2 weeks 100's of times an hour 8-12 pm M-F -about every hr I get 1 maybe 2 time through to the actual # they let you ATTEPMT to speak with someone, The otyer recoding at the 800-300-5616 # is just info -I have gotten thru and put in my SS# multiple times and then it sez"...
  13. C

    [All states] 10 or 11 weeks. It was 11 weeks. It is still 11 weeks

    It keeps getting asked. Is it 10 weeks or 11? Did 1 week already get cut off. No. It was 11. It is still 11. Week - Week ending 1/2 1/9 1/16 1/23 1/30 2/6 2/13 2/20 2/27 3/6 3/13 That's 11 weeks of $300 before the sunset date of 3/14. You will either certify 1/3 to get a single $300...
  14. P

    [california] Im a Barber, applied for unemployment as self employed the owner of the shop got a 1101 c/z form

    [california] Im a Barber, applied for unemployment.. where it asked me my last place of employment I put the barbershop I worked at. the owner got a form 1101 c/z notice for file of unemployment from my claim. I rent a booth and applied as self employed does he need to fill it out? He’s not...
  15. M

    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    If I am on regular UI, not pua or any of those other ones. Will my benefits still be extended for the new 11 weeks?? Because on the VEC website it says that people with pua, p e u c, and f p e c will be extended but it says nothing for the people on regular UI so I don't understand if everyone...
  16. P

    [California] I applied for PUA (1099) early morning 4/28 and my claim seems to be accepted but my claim balance is $1966?

    I have just under $20,000 in reportable 1099 income. Anyone here know what might have happened? I checked BofA and see nothing shipped. I see others have pending or accepted money from 3/15 and forward. EDIT: Seems as though I qualified for regular UI even though my total W-2 income for 2019...
  17. J

    [california] frustrated with EDD

    I’m sure this will be deleted since pretty much any post for California is being deleted but I am just so frustrated with EDD. Why would they say this : “Since individuals have different bi- weekly certification cycles, those who meet eligibility requirements for both weeks in the same period...
  18. R

    [OTHER] Presidential Memorandum

    Memorandum on Authorizing the Other Needs Assistance Program for Major Disaster Declarations Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 ECONOMY & JOBS Issued on: August 8, 2020 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF LABORTHE SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITYTHE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCYMANAGEMENT...
  19. J

    [Virginia] Did anyone get paid today that’s on PUA? I know a lot f us didn’t get our last payment!!

  20. J

    [CALIFORNIA] i'm v confused but i'm sure u can tell

    hey all. i have a few questions and i'm hoping somebody here can help me since i can't seem to get ahold of literally even like a pigeon that hangs out outside of the edd let alone get an actual person who works there and knows things on the phone or to email me back from the contact us section...